
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One More Tour

Oh, hello!  Are you back for more? 
Come on in!
Oh, but wait....Did you see the Santa Blowmolds on the porch?  I seem to find those tabletop ones quite often.  But, it is always the same one with the black sack.  I think it is odd that there are so many of that particular one and no others. 

Okay, so come on in.  I only have a few things to show you today.

I bought this old clock cabinet, as is, for $1.00.  The lady apologized that it was in awful condition and even gave me the clock that went inside for free.  Little did she realize how incredibly perfect the old cabinet was in my house.  I love it and use it to showcase one special piece of pottery normally or one special holiday item.  My Gurley candles and an old silver "Merry Christmas" tray fit perfectly up on top of it.

Here we have priceless art done by an upcoming artist back in 2002.  I love the S.C for Santa Claus and the C.S. for his name.  SC + CS like they are old buddies.

My favorite vintage tin.  Love the graphics on it.  And, to top it off, it is a Martha Washington Candy tin.  Cute!

On top of the Entertainment Center is the village.  It looks blurry without a flash.

 But, it's not nearly as charming with the flash.   Although I do have a few churches in the village, for the most part, it is an all Grocery Store Village.  The Breadman and I met working in a Grocery Store, so for our first Christmas we bought a grocery store to start a village.  Then, each year we were going to add something new, but we kept finding different Grocery Stores.  The years we couldn't find a Grocery Store, we added in a bakery, since Grocery Stores have bakeries and he is The Breadman now.  Luckily, Wal-Mart started making stores too, so we were able to add those in as well.  I haven't found a new one yet this year, and I might not.  It's getting kind of crowded up there.

So, that's the tour for today.  And for this year, actually.  I love all my Christmas things so thank you for coming by to see it all.  (I had a lady stop by yesterday and when she walked in, she said, "Wow, Christmas everywhere".  But then she never looked at anything or asked about it or even commented on it.  I would have gone nuts looking at it all and soaking it all in.)

I'll be back with an ornament swap and a few other recently found goodies.


  1. oh the cookie tin is wonderful!

    I love all your blowmold santas , even if you always find the same one....You could always sell some. I've had great success selling the ones I find in Etsy.

    Merry Xmas and a wonderful New Year, may all your dreams come true!

  2. I love your village I had a village but when my daughter got married and bought a house of her own I offer it to her and she snapped it up. So I collected the japan paper house and have a small one in the kitchen. Love your blow molds. I don't seem to have any of those. Merry Christmas.

  3. Love that tin, too! It's so festive at your house. And hey, I have that pink church AND the silver (champagne) one from Target last year, too. Oh I love a good after Christmas sale. I'm posting a pic of mine today! You know what they say about great minds lol

  4. That tin is one of the most awesome things.EVER!!!!

  5. I have one blow mold Santa and I think he is the same one also! Love your collection of grocery stores! Really special. I am such a sucker for sentimental things.

  6. I love it all - but I have to admit that my favorite thing is your Santa tin!!

  7. Just caught up with all your Christmas decorating posts-totally awesome! You could charge admission.
    I found two of those tabletop blowmold Empire Santas and they are the same ones too.
    Merry Christas!


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