
Friday, December 24, 2010

For the third year in a row, the Goodness Girls have exchanged handmade Christmas ornaments. 

Rebecca sent this fun miniature dress form all decked out in a Christmas dress.  Very cute!

Leigh Ann (formerly the Pink Kitchen Blog) sent this red cowbell all decked out Pioneer Woman Style. 

Heidi sent this fabulous glitter encrusted vintage cookie cutter - blinged out with vintage Mercury glass beads and a crystal.   It's sparkley!

Jodi made this Victorian inspired ornament complete with glitter that made it look icy. 

I made these toadstools.  I devised a pattern and cut out all the pieces.  After I hand sewed them together, I dipped a pencil eraser into white paint and applied the spots.  While the spots were still wet, I sprinkled silver glitter on them.  I also included some candy toadstools that I made out of cherry fruit slices and white spice drops. 

A few days after I finished my ornaments and mailed them - I saw this post on Allsorts and was amazed at how much my toadstools looked like hers!  I adore her toadstool tree and might have to make one to get me through gloomy old January.

*You may have noticed that my blog looks different.  I tried to widen my columns and everything went kaplooey.  I will fix it, but it will take me some time and brain power that I am in short supply of these days.  It will be time to take off the "Shara & the Christmas Booze" header soon.  Maybe I can fix it then. 


  1. Meery Christmas from a new follower and fellow junker!

  2. I love the mushrooms and the cookie cutter ornament. I have everything I need to make a batch. Thank you as always for the inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. This is my favorite swap every year. I know I've said that like 10 times, lol.

    So should we think about that V Day corsage swap?


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