
Monday, November 22, 2010

Gobble Gobble...It's Turkey Time

My head is already focused on Christmas.  I have the decorations all organized in the garage .  I spend about a week decorating the house - but I honestly love every minute of it.  I love seeing all of my treasures - the ones I have had for years, the ones I found last year and have forgotten about and the new old treasures that I have picked up this year.  I love sitting in the living room and looking at the lights at night.  I love watching my sweet kitty girl curl up under the tree and look up at the lights. 

The Breadman told me on Sunday that he wasn't a holiday person - this year he wanted to skip the hassles that go along with Christmas.  Seeing how I clean, decorate the inside of the house, wrestle the tree from the outside shed, set up the tree, decorate the tree, set up the village, put the lights on the house, set up the decorations in the yard, take the Christmas Card photo, write the Christmas Card letter, sign the Christmas Cards, cook the food, make the candy, do the baking, buy the presents, wrap the presents, pay for the presents, cleanup the house, take out the wrapping paper trash, take down the decorations and wrestle the tree back to the shed......well, I can't see what sort of hassle the man has to endure other than being in a fabulously vintage decorated house, eating peanut butter fudge and opening presents.  So, I will now refer to him as the Bah-humbug Breadman.  *Rant over*  (Here, anyway - I am still fuming!)

But, before Christmas - Thanksgiving comes first.  I do have quite a bit of Thanksgiving and fall decorations.  I always keep my out for vintage Thanksgiving items.  Turkeys in particular.
A new vignette this year - Squirrels.  I had a few here and there and there wasn't any real rhyme or reason to where I had them.  So, I gathered them all up and made them part of my fall Decor.  What goes with Squirrels?  Why, acorns, of course!

A few of my vintage Beistle Honeycomb Turkeys.  I never liked that old honeycomb stuff until I started reading blogs and found out it is COOL.  Ha.  I am such a follower!

I have my picnic baskets all set up stairstep style, so I use them like shelves when I decorate.  The colors fit into the fall stuff pretty well. 
Obligatory enamel turkey platter.  Check.
Obligatory Gurley Candles.  Check.

 Vintage Turkey Planter and a rafter of turkey salt and/or pepper shakers - I always only find one - never a pair.
Really silly pilgrims (but I love those googley eyes), more vintage turkeys and a "Gather Here with Grateful Hearts" print.
"Keep Calm and Gobble On" (- you can print your own here: Craftily Ever After) with my Annalee Pilgrims.

I'm hosting Thanksgiving at my house (hassles and ALL).  There will just be six of us and an easy meal of smoked Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, rolls, cranberries and pie.  It's a different sort of holiday without either of our Grandmother's (which is a part of the Bredman's new outlook on holidays, I am sure).  It's the first Thanksgiving we won't be in the car rushing from house to house trying to fit everyone in for a few hours.  I won't miss that part at all.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  *Gobble*Gobble*!


  1. Thanks girl. Happy Turkey Day to you too!

    what is it with our hubbies and their dislike of Christmas? mine hates it too. He gets the decorations out of the loft and puts the lights on the outsie of the house, but other than that, has nothing to do with any of it. If he could get by without prezzies, he would do that too. Good thing you and I have enough spirit for the whole of our families!

  2. Sounds like a Perfect Year to start NEW Traditions 8-)!

    Just the opposite in our house, DH wouldn't let me skip Xmas if I tried! Good thing opposites attract.

    Have a GREAT Turkey Day to Shara's Family!!!!!!

  3. you are always so festive. have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. Dave isnt really much involved in the ho-ho-ho'ing around here either. And I dont even know why really? I just know I pretty much do it all. (Although he is happy to cook the food if we have christmas at our house.)

    Being ginormously pregnant he is carrying everything though.

    (And it is taking me way longer than a week this year. I have been at it for weeks already, but Miss Thing is seriously slowing me down!)

  5. I absolutely LOVE your decorations!! Happy Thanksgiving, Shara!

  6. I am with you on the rant, sister. I do all the work, and he takes all the credit. Oh well it is what we do. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  7. Thank you for the big LOL. True for me too. My husband manages a Hobby Lobby. By the time every Christmas item is clearanced and the store is inventoried in Feb. , the CHristmas trees start rolling in from the warehouse again. I can see how Christmas is not really his thing.I love Christmas.
    The fall decorations are so beautiful. Enjoy your family and your home.
    God bless you.


  8. Hey I do it all and I do it because I love it! Sometimes I don't know what else we can say about the men in our lives. Enjoy it and I know you will. I love your Thanksgiving decorations. Love the squirrels and acorns...very fall to me also. So enjoy your Thanksgiving and on with the delights of Christmas!

  9. Wow! You really do it up right for Thanksgiving! God bless you!


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