
Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Finds & Sweet Gifts

My Dad, Dorothy, Jeannie and Cheryl

This weekend, I had family in town from Kansas. They are junkers and they read my blog (Hi Dorothy, Jeannie and Cheryl!), so of course, we had to go junkin'!  We only made it to one yard sale, one thrift store and the Flea Market.  But, we had fun and everyone found some junk. 
I got this really great old matte white pitcher for 50¢.  The day before I bought this, I had culled out 18 pieces of my Matte White Pottery when I packed it up for the Fall/Winter.  So, I suppose it was inevitable that I find a piece the very next day.
The thrift has a 50¢ area where all the items that have been in the store for two months go - no matter what it was priced then, it is 50¢ now.  I bought a big bag full of this old rough cut wooden animals. 
The duck is a bit abnormally large, but I think they are interesting bits of folk art.  I'm surprised they were still there after all that time.
Another glittery foil Christmas tin.  I have a love of this certain fruit cake tin.  I have gifted a few and I have several in different sizes.  This particular one is only about an inch thick. 
A red sewing basket.  I have eight sewing baskets in my Booth - not sure why I had to buy another one.  But, the price was right and I liked it.  So, there you have it.

My Aunt Dorothy has been buying me things at yard sales for about the past year.  If it looked like something I would like, she bought it.  How would you pack lots of vintage goodies for a car trip to Arkansas?  In sacks?  No.  In tubs?  No.  How about........ TWO Redman picnic baskets?  Two, baby!  That's the way to haul junk in style, my friend.  Take particular note of the one on top.

A RED Redman picnic basket.  The object of my desire for a few years now.   A gift from my sweet Aunt Dorothy.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And what was inside those delicious picnic baskets?
Shiny Brites.  Yes, please!  Hot pink Ornies in their original Woolworth box?  Squeal!
Red doilies, teeny lacy shoes, a wee bird, six tiny pottery bowls, piles of vintage cookbooks and one wee little leather glove.

Check this out - a folding yardstick!  Whodathunkit?  Love it!

So, thank you to Dorothy for the goodies and thank you to all three of you for good company and fun.  My Dad really enjoyed himself too. 


  1. I would so be squealing over the Redman picnic baskets full of goodies!!

  2. Hey! I was just stopping by after a bunch of blog hopping (sorry, I have no idea how i got here, lol!). You're finds are absolutely charming. I love love love the yard stick... It's so hard to find any well kept doilies in my area, so way to go on the Xmas ones!

    PS: Just noticed your vintage Thermos Collection. My Boyfriends on a Vintage Thermos and Coleman kick right now. I'll have to share sometime!

  3. SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Awesome finds.Once again, my inner jealous child comes out.I'll try to be a grown-up and be happy for you.Enjoy.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! I have that red Redman was my folks picnic basket....I am glad I hung onto it! :)

  5. The Red Redman! It's gorgeous. :)

    And that is the coolest folding ruler EVER!

  6. Wow, you finally have the red Redman! And it's a gift from a special person, so it probably means a great deal to you. What a nice thing for her to do.
    Actually, all your finds are great. I'm looking for folding yardsticks at the moment, everytime one shows up hubby claims it. I don't think that's at all fair of him. :)

  7. Don't ya just love it when family comes with gifts??? And they know what ya like! yahooooooo

  8. Shara, I have been lurking and finally I see a picture of family and now I know it really is you, MY COUSIN!!! Aunt DoDo, Uncle Boney, Cheryl, Jeanie!!! How fun is this! I have seen you lurking at my blog too, you're not shocked at my politics are you?? LOL!! Come by and leave me a comment.

    Oh and by the way, Aunt DoDo will attest, you and I have alot in common with vintage collections, we'll have to talk!

    xoxo Sue

    P.S. Your dad looks so cute! Tell him Mom sends hugs and kisses, he always was her favorite!


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