
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Since I was a little girl, I have liked little stuff.  I used to collect my Cracker Jack charms and Bubble Gum toys in school boxes and an old money box.  I've always just like teeny little things.  You would think that I would have outgrown that, but I still love little things.

When I brought home all the stuff from this weekends sale, I swore it was all for sale.  And, it is - 95% of it is, I swear.  But there were some little things that I just had to keep.
A stack of about 25 handkerchiefs, including a few little girl hankies.  (The "Tuesday" one is folded backwards - not printed wrong.)
A tiny little red plastic bunny rattle that must have belonged to a doll.  It is about 2" tall and it really does rattle. 

A stack of Dennison Seals for almost every holiday as well as seals for farm animals, apples, deer and butterflies. 
Two teeny celluloid dolls.  The big one (and I use that term loosely) is about a 1 1/2" tall and the smaller one is less than an inch.  Why do I need those?  I do not.  Am I going to keep them anyway?  Yes, yes, I am.
A rooster cookie cutter that is about the size of a quarter.
Cupcake picks with record labels from the 1950's with girls from around the world on the other side.  They do not make a lick of sense, but they will go into my cupcake pick jar and live happily ever after.

A box of pink Birthday Candle Holders with their original sticker. 
A set of little chocolate molds.  What a complete pain in the keester these things would be to actually use.  But, they are a) little and b) cute so I will C) keep them.
An old baby toy that was so severely knotted up, that I had to cut the string to salvage it.  I plan on restringing her and hanging her from a ceiling fan pull. 
Three miniature ice skaters - less than 1/2" tall each in a winter scene box  - marked West Germany.  I think they might be for a train set. 

Except for the hankies, which go in their own organized basket, all of these finds fit into a Quart Sized Ziploc bag, so I am able to keep everything without filling up the house!

I put a link to my ebay auctions over there on the right hand side.  I felt odd doing that like "HEY!@  I bought this stuff super cheap  - so buy it from em for lots of money, okay?!"  But, I keep receiving comments and emails about some of the things I have bought recently, so I decided to put a link over there.  Don't feel like you have to go look or bid.  But, since people are asking, well......there it is.  Thanks for all the love lately!
The Miners in Chile are coming up - I have to go watch.  Please, let it go well for all 33. 


  1. Your little ice skaters might possibly be painted pewter. I have a whole North Pole scene of this stuff that I just love unpacking every Christmas. Your skaters would fit right in!

  2. I must say I love your little finds. I like little things also! Funny isn't it. Yeah for the miners! God Bless them!

  3. Thanks for adding the link to your auctions! I would keep the same things you are keeping!

    I want to start featuring my favorite blogs on my blog, once a week. Would it be ok if I featured yours?

  4. The baby toy made of little wooden beads made me laugh. Don't know how old it is, but it must pre-date the Consumer Products Safety people. Great stuff. I'm going to oogle your eBay listings.

  5. I've always loved smalls too. Sure wish I still had all of my Cracker Jack treasures!
    Stayed up late last night, just so I could see the first man come up. God bless them all!

  6. I've always loved the tinies too. Thanks for sharing your finds. I usually come home with a handful of something each weekend. I've discovered that I'm not really alone in that regard, as small items like these sell really well at my booth. I can't decide which of yours I like best!

  7. All very cute............I love looking at the differences between the American "little gems" you find and the pieces that are here in Australia. I see your "scratch & sniffs are being bid up that is great! wishes Lee-ann

  8. I had a set of those little animal cookie cutters when I was a kid -- in the 50's. My mom would let me cut out sugar cookies and bake them and they were a pain - dough stuck in them. But, those cookies were so tasty 'cause I made 'em!


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