
Sunday, October 03, 2010

Nine Hundred

I'm almost embarrassed to admit this.  But, this is my 900th post.  NINE HUNDRED.  Wow, that's a lotta jabberwocky from my Pie hole. 

So, let's celebrate.  Leave me a comment with three things that you look for when thrifting for your own collections.  I'll choose a winner on Thursday and do my bestest to find you some thrifty fun finds that fit the bill.  And, I'll throw in a bit of Halloween fun too.

The Bean and his pal Flo. 

Enter to Win!

*P.S.....Keep this on the down low.  It's only for my usual gang of readers.  No need to mention it on your blog, tweet it or post it on Facebook.  Shhhhh.  That's less competition for YOU and a better odd of winning a delicious Box O' Junk from moi!


  1. Hey I am first! Congrats on the 900 girl way to gab....
    3 things I look for huh when thrifting...vintage spun heads, vintage holiday and old craft stuff. Let me tell you it was hard to narrow the list down to 3!

  2. Uh oh--how can I possibly narrow it down to three for pete's sake! But I'm always on the lookout for white butterpats, small turquoise animal planters and unique little trinket boxes. I actually have't been thrifting in awhile due to the high prices in my local thrifts. And congratulations on being a particularly verbose gal--always fun to read your blog, Shara!

  3. Wow, 900?! That is great! I don't keep up my blog but I read yours every time you post. I love hearing about your Arkansas adventures since I am stuck up here in Kentucky! (I'm from south Arkansas) I thrift every week and I always look for tole painted trays and such, linens of every sort, and white matte pottery...just like you, lol. Enjoy your Arkansas autumn...we are already cold up here!

  4. Congrats from a fellow blogger who also has had a LOT to say!!
    Three things...hmmm - vintage Christmas, antique postcards, and vintage pottery deer and birds, I guess, if I simply HAD to pick three things!
    Tickled to have a chance to win a giveaway .... and to thank you for your great blog!!

  5. congrats on 900!

    i covet old craft and sewing items, fake fruit and unloved baby dolls that i refurb and give to people who will love them.

  6. Way to go-900-that's impressive!! I enjoy your blog and reading about your treasures! Three things I look for when I'm out...vintage, bright tablecloths, aqua vintage kitchen stuff, and vintage! That was hard to only list 3!!

  7. I suppose I should be even more humiliated that I am nearing 1300 posts? Oy!


    Right now I am looking for a damn bumbo. Those things are elusive and I am NOT a good elephant hunter it appears. LOL

  8. Congratulations on 900! My thrifting habits have been changing of late - since I realized that my personal library had grown larger than I like to admit :-/
    If I were to pick three things I'm thrifting for at the moment, I would say: earrings from the 80s, retro printed fabrics for my next quilt, and quirky ceramic planters for the windowsill herb garden I'm starting - I'm with everyone else though, picking only three is hard!
    I look forward to 900 more entries! I thrift vicariously through you when my own thrift stores are far away, and when my friend who also reads your blog and I go thrifting together, we always point out 'Shara' items - usually pink or vintage Christmas :)

  9. Congrast on 900! Lets see when I got out looki I seach for 50's christmas decorations, Plastic blow mold light up ANYTHINGS! And Frankoma dishes :)

  10. Happy 900th :)))) I love to read what you have been up to! Enjoy seeing your finds also!! Keep up the good work!! Lets see... 3 things I look for when I thrift. Vintage jewelery, broken or whole. I love to take it apart and make something new! Vintage or retro scarves. Mad Men has made me love that era :)Huge ugly dresses, that can be cut down and made into something that rocks heheh:)

    Thanks so much for including us in the celebration!!


  11. congrats on 900! I guess the top 3 things I hunt for at the thrifts are old pottery bowls,cool old tins and anything vintage that has to do with sewing.....if I would stick with these three I'd have a much neater house

  12. Wow 900! Congratulations, what can I say? I've a L O N G way to go!
    Some of the things I keep a keen eye open for are cats, blue and white pottery and cookery books.

  13. Congrats! I mostly lurk here rather than comment, but I always look forward to your posts! You have amazing taste and I love many of the things you do! I am always looking for vintage tin picnic basket/bread box (still have not found one!), vintage linens and vintage sewing stuff. Thanks for letting us play!

  14. WOW...900 posts! Good for you!
    I look for vintage linens, Christmas and Halloween...
    Thanks for having a giveaway celebrating your 900th Post.
    Deb :)

  15. Congrats on 900 posts -- that's amazing! I'm still working my way up to 90...

    Three things I'm always on the lookout for would be vintage tablecloths, vintage Christmas ornaments and vintage/retro fabrics for sewing.

    Fun to read the comments about what everyone else is looking for too. -amy

  16. congradulations! You know I love your posts and you were my first follower (so your kinda special) is that enough sucking up??? jk!
    I look for tin picnic baskets that look like a faux basket, vintage santas or decorating books love Rachel Ashwell.
    It is also so great to see what everyone else looks for. Here is to 900 more!

  17. Shara, Congrats on 900 posts!!! I love to read each and every one of them! Your blog is THE best!!! Please keep those posts coming! I look for many things when thrifting, but my favorites are: vintage paper ephemera for crafting, vintage white pillowcases and vintage rusty old tea spoons!

  18. Janet K.6:44 PM

    Hey Miss Shara, I'm glad you have been around for 900 posts! I love your blog and your unique way of writing. I love to find vintage linens especially tablecloths, vintage kitchen utensils and all those vintage games and cards for children that you always seem to find. My daughters both teach elementary school and they love all those old "Dick and Jane" type things. Thanks for your generosity and keep on writing. HTH Janet

  19. Congratulations! 900 is a big deal!

    When thrifting I'm always on the prowl for vintage tins,old canning jars and pink or Turquoise Pyrex!

    I always enjoy reading your thrifting adventures, and hope to read at least 900 more!

  20. Waahoo! Love it! three things .... any vintage holiday items, vintage jewelry, vintage linens!!

  21. I am suitably impressed. Since I basically blog once a week it will take me forever to get to 900!

    Let's see, what do I always look for...I'm always looking for great teapots, especially Eva Zeisel and Yixing pots; fabulous clothes in my size; and a pair of Hey-Wake twin beds to go with that vanity I found a few weeks ago.

    Sure hope you're going to send me one of these! ;o)

  22. 900 is awesome!

    I always look for vintage Holiday items (Christmas, Halloween, Valentines, Easter, 4th of July etc), banks and vintage office supplies.

  23. 900 posts! I am very impressed and glad you blog! Oh gosh, I'm like everyone else hard to narrow it to 3 items...OK
    Pyrex (esp Pink), vintage linens and old postcards especially Holidays! Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  24. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Golly! I cannot believe how big The Bean is getting!!!!
    I will try to narrow down my list:
    vintage stationary or prints; vintage buttons and sewing items and antique postcards that are written on...especially from far away places! Congrats on 900 posts! I absolutely love the way you write!!!!

  25. Good for you.Keep sharing - your blog is so enjoyable to read.As for me the three I'm going to say are: vintage ephemera - usually with a fun graphic, sparkly bobs - glitter and rhinestones, oh my, and vintage holiday because IT ROCKS!Thanks for offering!

  26. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Congrats on #900 Shara! My three items would be vintage jewelry, Christmas goodness of any kind and small figurines that pull at my heart strings. That was tough to narrow it down to three.
    Love ya! Amy James

  27. Congratulations on 900! Better that as you blog post number then your age, right? ;)
    3 things I look for, hmmm.
    Vintage Pyrex
    Ceramic Birds that hang on the wall, only ever found one set of momma and 2 baby cardinals but want more. Of course not finding them does keep the money in my wallet. ;)
    Still need one of those brass pine cone weights for my cuckoo clock.

  28. Christy12:24 PM

    Congratulations! I look for old camera's, old typewriters and anything Holt Howard.

  29. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Congrats on 900 - WOW

    I read and enjoy your blog almost daily.

    The three things I look for are (all things vintage, of course:):

    linens, esp. holiday themed,
    hat boxes


  30. Hi Shara! I can't remember exactly how I stumbled upon your blog earlier this year- but have loved reading it ever since!

    My thrifting wishlist includes:
    1) PYREX
    2) Vintage board games
    3) Owls!

    Happy blogging!

  31. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Oh Shara, I'm always drooling over your wonderful and c h e a p finds! Happy 900th post!

    Right now I'm in the hunt for xmas tree knee hugger pixies and all vintage xmas of course!

  32. Shara--Congrats on 900! That's a lotta talkin'.

    Three things I look for: old comic books, holy/prayer cards, and penguins

  33. Vintage yarn, linens and w-e-i-r-d tops. No idea why :)

  34. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Hey girl...congrats on your 900th!!

    Hope you have many many more!!

    I hunt for: Georg Jensen Silver bracelets, Fenton Epergnes, and I really want a small vintage tree topper for my aluminum Christmas tree!


  35. 900

    when out and about, I thrift for vintage handbags, vintage jewelry and vintage gretting cards.

    congrats on your 900 posts...what a milestone!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. WOW! - and that is just 900 here... you began posting over at Yardsale Queen a quite a while before starting your blog - right?!!! ...and I've enjoyed reading EVERY bit of it!

    VERA... sweater clips... and I'm hunting out some 'different' versions of those little glass LEO WARD birdies that are made down in your area (just saw a 'double red cardinal' a few weeks ago that they wanted $24. for... but I thought that was a bit high!)

  38. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Three things? OK
    1. 1950's furntiure or Kitsch
    2. cool fabric, the older the better
    3. Sparklie Stuff...bling...fabulous old jewels for repurposing or keeping for my own.

  39. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Congratulations on 900 posts! Your post made me reflect on what I actually do look for when out and about...

    1) vintage art pottery (matte) is at the top of my list, always. I love the cream color, but also love PINK pottery!

    2) marimekko fabric (have only found this once)

    3) old eye baths/eye washers

    Thanks from JessicaD (the one who wanted your vintage tennis outfits before she got pregnant!)

  40. 900 posts! Congratulations, Shara.

    Out of the many things I like to thrift, the 3 items that give me a huge adrenalin rush are:

    round hankies
    rhinestone tiaras
    old bride and groom cake toppers

    Of course I rarely find them, so when I do, it's so delicious!

  41. Congrats on 900, Shara! Yours is one of only 2 blogs I follow regularly because it's so much fun seeing what you find! What do I thrift for? Wow! I like vintage glittery Christmas, vintage glittery brooches and vintage paper, especially old postcards and greeting cards.

  42. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Dear Miss Shara~

    I love your blog, and I love seeing the stuffs you get! And you're celebrating your 900th?

    I know that I will not win this, because I hunt for some of the exact same things during my thrift runs: fantastic/unusual/pretty candy tins, super crystal-studded jewelries, and decorated vintage Christmas bulbs!

    Sometimes I read your blog and get so flippin' jealous over your Christmas stuffs. . .man-oh-man, I want that. . .and that, and THAT, TOO!

    I surely get giddy with the greed (even if it is imaginary)!

    Congrats! Aimee Suzanne

  43. 900? Girl, you do go on and on and on don't you? Seriously, congrats and I love my visits here!
    The three things I always look for are vintage pottery, patriotic stuff, and vintage holiday things. Here's to 900 more fun-filled posts!

  44. Congrats on your 900 posts.

    Making us whittle our wishlists to three items is just about torture. I'm always looking for English bone china teacup/saucers (pink or blue mostly), teapots, and patriotic doo-dads to add to my decor!



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