
Sunday, September 12, 2010

She's a Party Girl

I bought a ton of junk this weekend.  Friday proved to be a good day for yard saling.  I stopped at a Church sale, five yard sales and a sale at the Senior Center on the way to my Grandmother's house where I brought home more things (less exciting things like groceries, light bulbs, batteries and one exciting thing - a sweet little 19" flat screen for my kitchen).  Anyway, all my treasures made me giddy, but when I got home and started unloading and unpacking, I got a bit overwhelmed and never took any photos of it.  I will do that tomorrow. 

I did see an Estate Sale in town that began on Friday and ran through today.  I went to the gallery and looked at all the photos, but I only spotted one thing that make me happy.  And, one thing wasn't enough to make a special trip.  But, today we were going to the Flea Market and out to eat, so I just happened to make the car go to the Estate Sale.  (I had noticed that Sunday everything was 50% off).

We went in and walked from room to room - lots of dolls, Asian items and glassware.  Not my sort of thing.  I said, "Where's the stuff I like?" And, the Bean responded - "The garage is that way and there's a shed out back".  Ah, that's my boy! 

As I went to head towards the shed, I stepped out onto the back porch and spotted the one thing that I had spotted in the Gallery.  It was still there!  What was it?
This completely freaking adorable hanging lamp.  Oh, my gosh.  I just lurve it so much.  The chippy party hat, the face, it's just too much.  (I took off that gaudy chain right away).

She was priced $20.00, but I got her for $10.00.  Actually, I got a box full of random things and her for $14.00, so I think I did okay.  I am going to glitter her party hat pink.  Oh, she is so much fun!

She will hang in my Office and make me smile every single day!


  1. OMG, I just love that girlie lamp!!! You find the neatest things!!

  2. she is flippin adorable!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Would have snapped that lamp up in a split second...lucky you!

  4. I can't believe that lamp was still there! Lucky you cause I would have grabbed her also.

  5. She's so stinkin' cute, and she definitely deserves a sparkly party hat!

  6. Very Cute, off and On!!!

  7. I have never seen a lamp like that. You will have to name her! She is just adorable.

  8. Wow!!! I wish I had more words but I think she's rendered me speechless!!!


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