
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Review Time

I've done several reviews for products at CSNStores.  And now, I have been named one of their Preferred Bloggers.  As well as that honor, they have offered to let me review another item just for you.  CSNStores offers a nice selection of bar stools, cookware and other fine products in their stores.  Did you know they have over 200 on-line stores???? 

What shall I reveiw?

I like this PINK Jewelry Box.

And this PINK Pie pan.

I don't know what I will review.  Maybe you should stop by CSNStores and have a look around. 

You never know what you will find!

Thanks CSNStores!


  1. Can't wait to see what you choose. They have so much! Have fun shopping.

  2. Good luck! I've done two so far and it's so hard to decide what to get!

  3. How do you get involved with these reviews? Another blog I follow just had one of these, too!


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