
Saturday, September 25, 2010

A picture is worth...nada

Grrrr.  I wanted to do a post chock full of phots.  But, Blogger has decided to change the format once again and I cannot get any photos to load.  I do so hate change!!!

Maybe tomorrow I can show you my day of football, the Goodyear blimp, free picking at the apple orchard, a bride and groom, a giant Ronald McDonald and my first Geocache.

Maybe not!  Only Blogger knows!


  1. I had to figure out how to do the photos myself last night. Not hard but hate how they change it and you have to just work and work until you can finally go awwww that's it. Good luck!

  2. Argh yeah I feel you pain!!!

    Finally figured out the new Blogger deelio but still struggling with my camera / computer combo - no I do not like change either - Blogger had it set up so easy before, why go change on us?! why? why?

    arg arg arg


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