
Sunday, September 05, 2010

Friday Finds

Friday morning I woke up with a sense of relief. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  I felt like being me again.  (This was before the news of The B'mans Grandmother).  This is a record weekend for sales in my area, so I decided to hit a few.  I was selective about the ones I stopped at because I knew there were a lot to chose from!  But, thee actually ended up being less than I thought there would be, so I only stopped at a couple.  But, I found GOOD junk. 

The first sale I stopped at is at a local fruit stand/country pantry store.  They have a big yard sale a couple of times a year.  They are dealers of some sort and have lots of fabulous things - at "fabulous" prices.  Too rich for my blood.  But, they always have a bunch of stuff in the parking lot at more realistic yard sale prices.  Sometimes I find a bargain there. 

The first thing I spotted was this very old egg gathering basket.  This basket is well over a hundred years old.  Very well made, very sturdy and a rich wonderful patina all over it.  Now, since these folks know their junk, I almost didn't even look at the price tag.  But, I decided to take a peek since I was curious what they would think would be a good price.  I was shocked that it was priced $2.00!  That is such a bargain.  I have seen these baskets for well over $100.00 at antique shops.  I'm amazed that they missed something.


The next thing I spotted were about six huge boxes of old linens. Again, I was hesitant to look not knowing if they were cheap or high. As I looked gingerly through one box, not wanting to spot a potential treasure only to be told that they were $10.00 each......the lady told me everything was $1.00. I decided that was worth digging - then she said, "And, if you buy more than 20 pieces - you can have them for 50¢ each." SOLD. I dug out 30 pieces - hankies, doilies, tablecloths, aprons, floursack potholders, tea towels and a couple of old pillowcases. I would have loved to have brought them all home but I bet there were over 1,000 pieces.

At the last sale I spotted this old Rubber face Santa for $10.00 OBO.  Now, I never ever ask for a better deal.  I really don't.  But, since is said OBO...I asked for a better price.  She said $7.50 and that seemed fair to me.  I would have liked to have found him for a buck, but the vintage Christmas has been in short supply this summer (as in ZILCH-O), so I was happy to find him.

We've started cleaning out my Grandmother's house.  Not the furniture and personal stuff, but the fridge, old plastic storage containers, piles of newspapers, plastic bags, paper sacks, the freezer, dry goods, etc.  I was going through one cabinet yesterday and I spied something in the back that made me say, "Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..."  My Mom waited with baited breath, knowing I was about to pull out a sack of money or a Sterling Punch Bowl or something of great value. 

The look on her face was pretty funny when she saw my item of great value:

A nice big Texasware Confetti Bowl!  I've always wished I could find one in my thrifting, but I never have.  So, I was pretty happy to have spotted one in my very own Grandmother's cupboard.  My Mom on the other had, sort of recoiled and said, "You want that?"  I said, I did, if no one else wanted it.  "Why would they?"  she said.  You guys understand, right????  I know Sue does!  So, while the family bickers over art and such, I will be bringing home quirky items like this bowl and these salt and pepper shakers.
Can you blame me?


  1. I love the egg basket. I can't believe how old it is. I'm glad that you appreciate the history and workmanship behind the piece and that it is in such a good home as yours.
    You've got a real eye for thrifting.

  2. That egg basket was a steal at $2, ya done good! Love all those linens I could have bought an arm full also. Now I so get the Texasware bowl!! My Mom has one and I keep trying to get it from her but she says no as she uses it all the time. I found one at my StepMom's and she gave it to me several years ago before she passed away. I love it! I also found one at a thrift and gave it to a very good friend. I still want my Mom's but I can wait a very long time for it now!

  3. Wow! Great deal on the linens!! I wish I would stumble on a sale like that! Love the Texasware bowl too-I've been looking for a couple of years for a pink one-like the one my mom had while I was growing up. We used it for popcorn every Friday night!
    Great finds!

  4. Love the egg basket,and linens. The confetti dish is beautiful - what a lovely keepsake for you to treasure.

  5. Amazing linen score! But sorry, I do not get the fascination with Texasware. I've got several pieces, and I only keep them because I need them. But I see from one of your comments that there are pink ones too. Now THAT I could get excited about!

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Thanks for waking me up about those confetti bowls. I inherited a resort that had one in each of the cabins, plus I just moved my dad to assisted living and took the one he and mom always I must have 8 sitting around, and one that I use all the time! I had no idea they were worth much...until I just did a search on E-bay! WOW...You just made my day totally!!!

  7. Oh thanks Shara! Go ahead and tell the WHOLE world that those Texasware Bowls are desirable, now I NEVER will find my red one!!!! 8-) ...
    (It was safe for me to talk about them on MY blog, 'cause Nobody reads my blog!!!)

    Glad you are getting some rewards from all of your hard work cleaning out Grandmothers!

    Did I miss The Beans Birthday? If so, Happy Belated!!

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Glad you found some goodies to help cheer you up. I have the same Santa from when I was 2. My grandfather worked at a grocery store and these santas were used in some of their store displays.

  9. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I am SO jealous of the egg basket. Glad you had some fun in the midst of all of the sorrow your family has been going through. I'm sorry about the deaths of both of your grandparents. May God keep you in His tender care through all of the sad times.


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