
Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Week in Numbers

Number of trucks towed from my house:  1

Times I went to the Casino:  1

Dollars I won at the Casino:  200 :o)

Dollars needed to fix truck:  600 :o(

Number of Thrift Visits: 0

Number of Yard Sales:  0

Years worth of old paperwork I shredded today:  5

Bags of Trash Tossed:  2

Bags of Donations Gathered:  2

Flea Market Items Priced:  40

Etsy Items Listed:  22

Etsy Items Sold:  13

Number of Family Members coming to visit this weekend:  2

Number of Yard Sales I hope to hit tomorrow:  1

So, there you have it.  My week in numbers.  Maybe next week I'll have some actual words to say!~


  1. Interesting way to sum up the it added up to a decent week? (except for the truck?)

  2. I agree not a bad week except for the truck!!

  3. not so bad at all but I would be so shakey from not thrifting I would need a drink of wonderful sweet tea ha!

  4. I 'think' you conveniently forgot one 'little' number in there... perhaps?? (tee hee)

    Sorry, couldn't resist - 'tis the month ya know!


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