
Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm here. 

Nothing to say. 

Nothing thrifted. 

No yard sales. 

Lots of Grandma Drama. 

Cranky husband. 

Nearly 8" of rain in less than three days.  Streets closed.  Floods.  Yuck. 

Went to the movies.  Saw Sorcerer's Apprentice.  It was okay.  Actually, it was pretty good.  If you like that sort of thing.  Which, we do. 

Ho hum.  What else? 

I haven't been to the booth this week - too busy with other things.  No interest in it. 

Sold a $1.00 hardhat for $76.00 on ebay last night. 

Won $25.00 on a Lottery Ticket yesterday.

Ho hum. 

Maybe I'll be back with something new or fun or interesting.  But, probably not. 

Just the same old, same old. 

Hope things are funner and drier in your neck of the woods.

*I know "funner" isn't a word.


  1. there's a whole lotta 'blahs' in this part of the world as well. Been struggling with some pain issues. Garen struggling to survive. almost no rain, but gale force winds. My daughter called the other day to tell me about the flooding there. Crazy. just crazy.

    On another note...we are coming for a visit in April and would love to meet you in person...maybe we can even do a bit of thrifting together!

  2. Way to go on the hardhat! Things are VERY slow and HOT here also, regarding sales....hang in there...maybe next week.

  3. Send some rain our way. It is hot and dry. Going to the movies is a good way to stay cool. So glad to hear about the hard hat. Who knew?
    Can't help you too much with a cranky husband. Make him something good to eat.
    Hang in there. We will be complaining about the cold soon.

  4. It's been hot so i'm cranky also! lol...
    Glad to see the hard hat made money! Nice!! Just a slow week!

  5. Hard hat sale sounds like a BIG winner! Ho hum on everything else huh...stay dry and I am sure life will get FUNNER!

  6. Funny~I live clear across the country from you and have been feeling the same way. Don't want to do anything, don't even want to think about anything. Must be some sort of summer doldrums. As my Dad used to say " It can only get better from here".

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Okay...followed the crumb to your blog and enjoyed your shopping style. Yum-yum! Thought to myself, "I might need to follow this one just so I can drool over all her treasures." Yep, here I am!Liz (aka Ninny)

  8. Hey you live on teh other side of the world and you have teh same weather as me!

    Absolutely terrible here. No thrifting either :-(

  9. I'm glad it's not just me! No finds, nothing made (well finished no, half finished, sort of). And it's hot. Blazing hot. Blech. I need it to be funner here, too. ;)


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