
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Head's Up!

In the past week, I have had 200 spun heads come into my life! 

Exhibit A:
Wee winking spun heads

Blonde flirty girl heads.

Funny Eggheaded Boy Scout heads.
Triple cuteness!

All of these were found on ebay while searching for mis-catagorized and misspelled auction searches.   The boy and girl picks were all in one lot - 120 of them and listed only under Party Pick.  And, I got them for a steal.  Lucky, me!


  1. You are one smart cookie! Love the little spun heads...

  2. OH NO! Are you going to become a 'Crazy spun cat head lady'?? I'm getting SCARED!!!

  3. You did great! I like the winking gals the best. As many spun heads as i have seen I have not run across those that you got....especially egg head boy scouts!

  4. Amazing how few spun heads I see around here. Good for you looking for those needles in the haystacks!

  5. My quest to acquire 100 this year seems so insignificant now - and especially since it's stalled around 40 or so. Woo-hoo for you!

  6. Ack! What a find! And I just saw your cotton spun toadstools as well. Sigh . . . to have your thrifty dynamic. :) So what will you do with them? Make little dolls??


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