
Monday, June 28, 2010

Vintage 4th of July Holiday Party

I'm linking up to the Vintage Holiday Blog Party at Anything Goes Here with my 4th of July decor.  I don't usually link up to parties, but I always join in on Joan's Vintage Parties.  Vintage parties are the best!

I really just started picking up things for my Patriotic/4th of July display within the last year or so.  I particularly like to find vintage souvenirs from Washington DC and old advertising pieces to work in to my display.
The building replica is the Headquarters House from the Civil War located in Fayetteville.  The Bean and I go there quite often, so that was a happy find one day.  The framed flag was a little flag that Sam Walton handed me one day at the Grand opening of a Sam's Club.  The Ben Franklin Avon bottle is the one and only Avon decanter that has ever entered this house. 
Some of my favorites:  A "Star" spool and a "Liberty" spool, an old Liberty Bell Olive jar, a card of Star-Snaps" and some Dennison Gummed label boxes. 
I love this old George Washington Tobacco tin.   I filled it with Presidentiall Silver Spoons, Gummed Star boxes and a Statue of Liberty.  That old Liberty Olive jar is pretty neat too.
A few more Washington DC souvenirs, a set of Dennison Office Supplies and a few more building replicas. 
This is my newest acquisition.  Miss America Cherries!  I lurve this thing soooo much!

A few old Patriotic flyers - the School Souvenir is my Great Grandmother's Report Card from 1912 and the photos are my Great Uncles.  The Marine is my Great Uncle Bob and the Pilot is my Great Uncle Murlin. 
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.....a collage I made a few years ago, the front page of the local newspaper featuring The Bean on the 4th of July when he was 3 *sniff*, some flags, etc.  You get the idea.
More flags, a sweet doll and some pinwheels I got in a swap last year and more photos of The wee Bean *sniff*.
Vintage rolls of red, white and blue ribbon, a vintage spun head guy holding a flag, a jar of poker chips and glittery Uncle Sam hats.
This old record is a recording from a solider to his family from the USO.  I would love to hear this record, if it still works.  I think that is such a sweet idea to make a record for your family.  Aren't we lucky with emails and texts now?
Old folding ruler star.  I have this in my house all year long.
The rooster curtains so don't go with the theme......:( 
 That's the hat The Bean had on in the photos above.  *sniff*

Little gal I made.

STAR and LIBERTY Spools.

I love this old Washington DC Ashtray - I have a collection in progress of ashtrays just like this one, but from different states.  I'd love to find all 48-50 depending on when they were made.  Why?  Who knows?  I think they are cool!
Uncle Sam.  He's da man!

Happy 4th of July everyone! 

Stay safe!

Have fun!

*Don't forget to go check out the other vintage blog posts over at Anything Goes!


  1. LIKE LIKE LIKE!! Each new display you put up is my new favorite. I love the stacked ribbon rolls and that USO record is SO neat! I've never seen one before. What a find. I have a few of those metal ashtrays too--wish I could find more too! I saw a photo in a book once where a guy had a whole big bowl full of them and ever since I've been on a mission to find them.

  2. You always find the best vintage holiday items.


  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    You really have such great stuff and display it all so well. I love to look at all the old photos. I feel so proud when I see pictures of my grandpa in his navy uniform. They all were so young and handsome.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    LOL on Ben Franklin being the only Avon bottle in the house.
    Wow, Shara you and The Bean really get around. Love Sam Walton's flag and the cute pictures of The Bean. All of the these make a wonderful patriot dispaly. You have inspired me to go find my own Red white and blue patriotic stuff.
    Debra Ganas

  5. Wonderful displays! I love the vintage items and how you combine them. A feast for the eyes!

  6. Absolutely fantastic! Your vintage patriotic things are giving me a serious case of envy. I need to look for more vintage things. Love the metal ashtrays for the states, your bell jar, and the tin. Thank you for sharing all of these with us.
    Happy 4th of July! ~ Sarah

  7. Wonderful fun!

  8. Oh Shara, I love it all, and it's a wonder you weren't bawling by the end! The Bean sure did grow up fast!
    My favorite thing about it all is that you used out of the ordinary things, like the spools and the record. And the Miss America cherries. What a find!
    Happy 4th!

  9. I just made a star out of my folding ruler. Thanks for the idea.

  10. Wonderful vintage! I have never seen a star made out of those rulers. But, I played my Dad's a lot. Great idea. Have a great 4th!

  11. Hi Shara,

    You really have such a fabulous collection of patriotic memorabilia
    and display it wonderfully. I've really enjoyed it, thanks a bunch for sharing your collection with us! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  12. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful collection! I love the George Washington tin, spun head guy holding the flag and the ashtray! No wonder you collect this stuff, it looks great! Happy 4th to you!

  13. OK, did not just collect all this in the last year or so.....wait that sounded mean....I am just in ah!


  14. Ack! Love those Miss America Cherries! What a fabulous collection. You have the eye, my friend. :)

    And I like your rooster curtain, too. I bout rooster fabric to make new kitchen curtains. Now if only I could get on that.

  15. Part of what I enjoy about your creative displays is seeing how you combine things that I would never think of like the Miss America candy box and the Star and Liberty thread spools.

    Hope you all have a happy 4th!

  16. What a Wonderful Collection & in such a short time.... Gives Me Hope
    "God Bless America"
    Happy 4th

  17. You have a really unique collection of Vintage 4th of July items. i loved each and every picture. Thanks for being a part of the party. Vintage Halloween will be next. xo Joan, Your Hostess

  18. Happy Fourth of JUly,,,,,I love the cherry candy box!

  19. Whoa! I am blown away with how many wonderful treasures you have - especially that Bean! What a marvelous post and I hope you have a spectacular Fourth of July!

  20. Love all of the vintage souvineers, how lucky are you to have found them! Great display! Happy 4th! Theresa

  21. Oh my gosh, where do I begin. I love it all!! Probably my favorite, if I had to pick just one thing, would be the record from the US Soldier. Wouldn't that be awesome to hear. Have a great 4th. Thanks for sharing.

  22. thanks for sharing all of your vintage 4th items. I love, love the star made from rulers, I am inspired!!

  23. Wow, each post has gotten more and more fascinating! I am enjoying this party so much, even if it is a little late. I wish I had known!!!!! Maybe next year! What fun

    Happy 4th!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  24. You have lots of cool stuff! I'm sure it would be fun to go junking with you! Stop by and see some of my red, white and blue!



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