
Monday, June 07, 2010

Oh, Baby!

I've had a bit of Baby Fever lately. Not that I really want one all to myself, (well, I kind of do) but I'd sure like to get my hands on one for awhile. We've had several babies born into our family lately, many more have been born to my blog friends and others are still expecting. Oh, baby, baby!

The best baby news is that the little girl that I babysat for since she was two weeks old (I was only 14) had TWIN baby girls! Two perfect babies! Megan barely weighs 100 pounds and the doctor told her she would deliver early. Very early. But that little girl (she's 29 now) held on to those babies until Week 39. Bless her heart. She was absolutely beautiful.

Since the day she found out it was twin girls, she dubbed them the "Twincesses".  Here she is holding the "If the Tiara Fits" onesies I bought for her.  I also had Rachel at Two Dog Pond make her a special necklace with the babies sonograms on it. 

It was the first gift she opened, and the only one out of literally hundreds of gifts that actually got passed around for everyone to see.  It turned out really cute and I was proud that she loved it so much. 

Here she is the day she went into labor.  This girl is a Pharmacist and usually wears Minola Blahnik heels and carries a Gucci bag.  Bless her heart for keeping those babies safe and comfortable all that time.

And, here are the babies.  Beautiful healthy baby girls.

So, in honor of these wonderful babies, I decided to find all my vintage baby stuff and make a display.

It's funny, I never really know how much of one thing I have until I start hunting for it and making one of my displays.  Baby shoes, old toys, Baby Books, dolls etc.  I had things everywhere!
The Bean's Baby shoes, vintage Baby Books, old squeaky toys, a baby powder tin and a newly acquired silver baby cup.
Lots of vintage baby cards, more squeaky toys, baby planter, a sweet cup, my ID bracelet from my birth and another vintage Baby Book.  My favorite thing is the little toy Baby Stroller with the box. 

Baby shoe planter, my baby shoes, an old Similac can, my hospital photo (I really didn't mean to make this all about MY baby stuff!) and a couple of old baby dolls. 
I guess my baby days are over.  Sigh.  I'll just have to enjoy my vintage baby collection and get my hands on those Twincesses someday soon. 

Oh, Baby!


  1. They are just adorable those sweet babies and I love your vintage baby display!

  2. What a fun post, Love the necklaces, Great idea! Love all the vintage baby goodies!

  3. Shara...cute post..bittersweet, but happy. And hey, girl, your baby days are not completely have the Bean...when he gets'll be Grandma MonkeyBox...Or Granny Shara, or any number of other wonderful names, and you can teach this little Bean all the fine things in life...junking and laughing and enjoying!! Just you wait! *e*

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    My, my what beautiful little babies. And the baby Mamma too.
    Your baby display is so appropriate. I too love the little baby carriage.
    Happy to see a post from you. I was worried about you.

    Debra Ganas

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Blessings all around for everyone. Sweet sweet babies. I never would have thought to preserve the sonogram pics in a necklace. Good idea!

  6. Aw your post makes me cry and want more babies! What a great display!

  7. I'm not a baby person but I do love love love all the vintage baby stuff--plus the pendants you created with Rachel are absolutely wonderful! Your display is missing one thing, though--where are the bronzed baby shoe bookends???? Granny Monkeybox sounds like a great title for a kiddie book series, by the way.

  8. Thought I would throw my two cents in to say that ai am IN NO WAY READY TO BE A GRANNY!!!! Yikes! I could still have a baby. I'm not that old!

  9. We have baby news. My only child is having her first child! She just graduated with her masters and she and her husband have been busy fixing up their house. To say we are excited is an understatement. we have to wait untill Jan. So seeing your vintage baby things was wonderful.


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