
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Thursday's Yard Sale Finds

I wanted to thank everyone one more time for all the nice comments and the lovely emails I have received.  It is very nice to know that other people understand what we are going through.  My Mom and I are the only local family, so it's in our hands for now.  We'll get it all straightened out.  It's just going to be hard doing it. 

So, I'm back as promised...with JUNK!

The Bean and I loaded up and headed out to get my Mom and give her a break today.  We went to the park and had a mini picnic, went on a country ride and hit a few sales.  My Mom sat in the car, just happy to be out of that house.  ;o)  We ended the day at a big Church Sale that was teeming with customers.  After waiting in line behind six people, the lady that took my money said, "You realize that this sale doesn't even start until TOMORROW, don't you?'  Well, sure!  That's why I'm here!  Duh.  If you aren't OPEN, then don't sell stuff!  This was the same church that had the sign in my sidebar last year - "Yard Sale if it don't rain."  Not the brightest.

Cute little corner cabinet - just the right size for me to cram full of junk.  A sweet old framed print.  I don't buy many framed things to sell, but I really liked this one.  I might just hang it in my office, I haven't decided.  And, the biggest sewing basket I have ever seen.  It's four times as big as any other one I have ever seen.

Here's the print.  Cute, huh?

Lots of little junk.  My favorite kind.  An old blue ball jar with zinc lid.  I feel terrible when I see people on blogs saying they found one of these for "only $6.00!"  Yikes.  I paid $1.00 for this one and that is still more than I usually pay.  But, a jar with a zinc lid equals good storage to me.  A black and white flower brooch - one of my newest obsessions.  Fun little wooden guys, better photo below.  Giant vintage baby shoe planter, dog planter, old spice tin, a vintage turkey and a fabulous old chippy cutlery drawer. 

I don't know what these guys are, but I liked them and the price was right - $1.00 for them all.

A silver bucket with lid marked Gorham, Ohio Arts recipe tin and a retro letter holder.  All for resale.

Nice piece of matte white pottery and a soft buttery yellow piece too.  $1.25 for the pair.

A quilt top.  Not an old one or a fancy one, but it's a quilt top and it was $1.00.  I buy these quite often and then just resell them in my own yard sales for $10.00 or so. 

Three tablecloths for 50¢ each.  Nothing elaborate and fancy, but folded up they look nice in my pile 'o tablecloths.

Today, Sarah blamed me for her buying an old folding ruler.  Well, I blame her for me buying this old Nativity set.  Sarah has nine Baby Jesus-es and I didn't get one at all.  :(

And, lastly, a huge old laundry basket full of all the junk I bought today.  It's plenty big enough to hold a lot of stuff, even though it is currently holding one 22 lb. cat.

The yard sale ads are very plentiful this weekend.  But, there are a lot of things going on in town too.  War Eagle Craft Fair is this weekend, which brings up to 100,000 people to our area and there is the Joe Martin Stage Race in town which brings nearly 1,000 bicyclists from all over the world.  We always go see the bicycles go through town.  Last year we waited for them to go by and when they did, they greeted us with everything from "Howdy" to "Ola! Traffic will be a nightmare with all the extra people and the re-routing due to the races.  Not sure what we will do or where we will go.  But whatever we do, I'll be back with photos and a story or tow.  And, yes, probably more junk.  You know me too well......


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Your shopping adventure was very successful. I love the little doggie planter!

  2. Love the turner print, i have a couple in my house and I love them! the yellow vase is yummy!

  3. Good stuff! Glad you got out with your Mom!!

  4. How fun! I really need to start hitting up the yard sales!

  5. While I might very have 9 baby jesuses, (jesus'? What is the plural of jesus? LOL), the ratio of baby jesus to other nativity figures is about 1 to 10. The kids must always run off with the baby jesus!

  6. The plural of Jesus doesn't exist because there's only ONE Je . . . oh good grief, that is soooo not me. I have that EXACT SAME doggie planter and now I know that his eyes are supposed to be that way! He's one of my favorites just because of that. So glad you got your Mom out, Shara.

  7. What great finds....doesn't feel good when you're able to find such 'good' stuff? Love it!
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oddly, I think I have an extra baby Jesus which I would be happy to put aside for you. When I find it. (Maybe don't count on it for this year.) I like lots and lots of animals, but duplicates of Holy Family members make me nervous. I wish you and Sarah wouldn't bicker.

  9. That little corner cabinet is cute. And I like the pottery, too!

  10. Great finds, Shara.
    Did you get my package? I mailed it 2-3 weeks ago.
    Let me know. Hope you liked the stuff.


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