
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh, Woe Is Me

Whine, whine, whine.  My life sucks.  Whine, whine, whine.

There that's it in a nutshell. 

It has rained every damned day for a week.  It is storming right now. It is going to rain tomorrow.  Rain, rain, go away!

We still have major Grandma issues going on.  My Mom is still trapped in her house with her.  It's been a month now.  It is crazy and not fair.

Yesterday, my dad stepped out of a business, caught his toe on the cement and tripped off an 18" high porch.  He was splayed out on the parking lot and no one came to help him.  He finally yelled for help and a man came and looked at him.  My Dad asked for him to get an employee to help him because he couldn't get up.  He thought he had broken his leg because he couldn't move.  The man went in and got an employee who came walking out the door and said, "What are you trying to pull?  Get the F*** off my property!"  He's 72 years old for God's sake, why would he throw himself off a porch?????  He said he needed help getting up, he thought his leg was broken.  Again, "Get the F**** off the property" and then went in the store.  My dad got his cellphone out and called 911.  He asked for the police, but they sent an ambulance instead.  He was actually scared because they were being so mean to him - he wanted the police there.  When the ambulance came, they agreed he was hurt, but maybe he could call a family member since the hospital was only a few blocks away and it was not life threatening.  He agreed and said he would call me.  By this time, they had him on his feet, but he couldn't bear weight on his knee or leg at all.  When the owner of the store saw him on his feet, he came out the door and said, "Get the F*** off my property" and then called my dad all sorts of names.  My Dad said he was going to call his daughter to take him to the hospital.  The owner said, "If you don't take you vehicle off my property, I will tow it."  So, my Dad got in the truck and drove home even though he could barely use his leg. 

He called me and I took him to the Emergency Room.  He has a badly sprained knee.  He has to stay off of it for about a week and keep ice on it.  He is on pain killers and an anti-inflammatory.  He is really messed up.  Getting hurt was bad enough, but the way he was treated was simply not acceptable.  He did the right thing by calling an ambulance so it is on record and we have the hospital records on our side.  The business is known for having cameras everywhere, so I imagine that it is all on tape somewhere.  I will be contacting a lawyer.

So, there you have it.  Well, that and a bad seizure for my sweet kitty (she is fine now) and a mental breakdown from The Bean because I am so damned stressed all the time.


That's it.

So, today, we went to a Baseball Game.  I don't like sports.  It rained.  Hard.  I don't like sitting in the rain.  It got cold.  Cold isn't fun either.  There were 5,000 local school kids on hand that had to huddle under the eaves during the storm and it was absolutely deafening.  I hate noise. 

But, you know what?  As I sat watching the baseball game in the cold, I realized that it was actually the most enjoyable day I have had in a long time.  I really had a good day.


See, they actually played some baseball!

*I won't continue with the Woe is me posts.  I like to be optimistic and I am optimistic that things are about to turn around!  And, drive right over me.  I kid! 


  1. I love your optomistic outlook.:)

    That is the kind of crap I say to my OBF's that make them think I am a pessimist. Not so, my view is just a tad scewed.

    How is Pops?

  2. Oh, Honey. If watching baseball in the rain is counting as your best day, then that's just sad! LOL You've been in my thoughts. And I get you on the rain--it's been a sucky spring here with lots of cold and rain and it's making me feel crazy. I think my Vitamin D levels are low from lack of sunshine. Amazing what an effect the weather has on our moods, huh?

    Tell your mom I'm thinking of her too!

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    That is just horrible! I hope your dad feels better soon. You could always try ... and see if you can sue that jerk.

  4. don't be too hard on yourself. We all have those times in our lives where it gets to be too much and heaven knows you have alot on your plate right now!

    As for your dad...he needs to find himself an attorney. If those folks treated him that way, can you imagine how they would treat others? AND, I am trying to figure out where this incident happened...

  5. That is just WRONG the way they treated your Dad!!

    When it rains, it really does pour...

    it WILL all be good soon - really it will!!

  6. You need a good thrift day. And you know what makes me crazy about people like the one so mean to your dad? If they'd just act human and decent, you wouldn't need to think about calling a lawyer. Your poor dad. I hope he feels better. And that your mom gets out of that house.

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I been wondering where you have been. I so sorry to hear it has been because of family turmoil. I would still go to the police to make a claim against the owner. No one desrves to be treated the way your Dad did.

    And even though you hate sports sometimes just getting away and doing something different can be just what you need. I hope this weekend brings you a thrifting opportunity. That always clears my

    Debra Ganas

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I been wondering where you have been. I so sorry to hear it has been because of family turmoil. I would still go to the police to make a claim against the owner. No one desrves to be treated the way your Dad did.

    And even though you hate sports sometimes just getting away and doing something different can be just what you need. I hope this weekend brings you a thrifting opportunity. That always clears my

    Debra Ganas

  9. Awww... so sorry to hear about what your dad went through. That was just awful! Hang in there, the weather will clear up (eventually), and keep trying to look for the good things around you to keep you going!

  10. Well things can only get better from here! I hope your Dad is doing better. I live in the NYC area. While people here have a reputation for being rude, I have never heard of anyone behaving as badly as that store owner did. Sounds like he's afraid of being sued~in which case I hope you sue the pants off him!

  11. That is horrible. Major hugs. I hope things start looking up soon. Sounds like a trip to the thrift is in order.

  12. Oh Shara...that was not a whine post at all...I cannot believe that the owner of that business was so amazingly horrible & cruel to your father! OMG!!! Made me so mad to read his comments...cannot believe the callousness of this person. Talk to the lawyer, but also file a complaint with your local better business bureau. This man's behavior should not go unpunished. I manage a small shop in a small town, and just cannot believe that he would not help, and made matters worse! I hope your Dad feels better soon. *e*

  13. Shara, Whataweek!! I can't believe your poor dad was treated like that! But here's one good thing...he didn't break a hip or his head! I hope he gets better real soon! I think you need a day making the rounds at the thrift stores. That's bound to cheer you up.

  14. That business owner is one sick individual, your father should have never been treated that way. Karma is a *****. Hope your lawyer takes care of him.

  15. Oh my God!! I cannot believe that business treated your dad like that. I'd sue the crap out of them because that's just ridiculous. I'd also contact the BBB in your area and see if there is something they can do because I'm sure if he treated your dad like this, he's done it to other people too. What a a-hole!

    Is your dad feeling any better yet?

    Hope the weather is clearing up for you guys. It's supposed to rain here today too and I hope it holds off until at least tomorrow!!

  16. That makes me so mad about your dad. What the heck? Cannot people offer assistance anymore? Do they have to be such jerks?
    My dad is 74 and about a year ago he pulled into a parking space at the local convenience store, and some guy in a pickup cussed him out (for taking his space) and then when my dad was inside, ripped the side mirror off his car. I encouraged him to file a police report (I am sure it was all on video as well) but my dad is really non-confrontational, and wouldn't do it. MADDENING. I am so sorry. It has got to get better!!


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