
Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31st

Today is our Anniversary.

19 Years.

We "dated' a year before that. so, that's 20 years.

We were friends a year before that, so that makes 21 years.

And, I thought he was a complete creep for two years before that. So, that's 22 years. Nearly impossible since I am only 25. ha

Here's the whole sorrid story of me and The Creepy Guy

I'll be back this week with tales of a journey, the big Anniversary Day details and some Fab-O junk I scored in a hurried roadside stop.  (To which I am going to attempt to visit again in a minute, if I can persuade the Bredman to let me go.  I used to be able to get anything I wanted if I just pouted right.  I'll see if it still works after all these years.....)  Let the pouting begin!

**It does say HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE on the sign.  But, it was really just a Dance hall.  Honestly.  Mostly.  Uh, huh.  ;o)


  1. So you met him at a house of ill repute? How romantic! Just kidding--but what IS Doc Murdock's??? Congratulations on all those years together!!

  2. Im confused(I cant do the math)...but Happy anniversary...cant wait for the junk pics....

    Kitsch n Stuff

  3. Happy Anniversary! So you met while babies right, I mean since you are only 25!! :)

  4. Happy Anniversary Shara and Breadman!! You 2 make such a cute couple in that picture!! Hope you had a wonderful day...together...Breadman didn't have to work did he? Here's to many, many more...I just raised my bottle of "Jamaican Me Happy" to you...hey it was on sale for $4.29 at the local Winn Dixie...not a bad price for Jamaica...and Happy all in one...too bad it doesn't taste so great..:o} *e*

  5. congradulations!!! It seems like a long time that went in a blink of an eye. Best wishes to you both.

  6. I love your "Creepy Guy" story - I had to go read it again! Happy anniversary and many more. :-)

  7. Aww . . . you brought out the creepy guy story! My favorite. :) Congrats!


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