
Friday, April 09, 2010

Finally......Some OLD Junk!

They're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
I do believe it is officially Yard Sale season.  Today they were everywhere!  I was on the way to be my Grandmother's personal slave help my Grandmother, so I really didn't have much time to stop.  But, I did anyway.  Hee!
I only stopped at two sales.  The first one didn't even have a sign up, but the driveway was packed.  After I visited with the people having the sale, I found out that it was an older couple downsizing to a two bedroom house in Texas, so lots of things had to GO.  She was from Germany and they had travelled the world, so she had a lot of interesting things out.  In fact, she was still pulling things out of the attic when I was leaving.  I might have to sneak back by there tomorrow. ;o)  I bought everything pictured at that sale. The giant dough bowl is Olive wood.  It is GIANT.  At the yard sale, I thought it might look good on my coffee table.  Well, guess what, it is almost as BIG as my coffee table! 

Other finds include this pair of wee German bunnies and an old flower frog.

This Remembrance Card file is pretty neat - write the date you want to remember on each card and it peeks through the holes.  On the card is whatever the date  is - birthday, anniversary, etc. and the name and address for the person.  After that date comes around, move the card to the back until the next date comes around. 
A funny white Dachshund planter and a sweet flower-y feedsack.
A pretty green planter.  I usually shy away from the dark green stuff, but this one was pretty (and only 50¢).
A lovely piece of vintage pottery in the loveliest Robin's egg blue.  I already had one like it, only a teeny bit smaller.  It really *pops* in my white pottery.  I also bought that funny German pipe smoking guy.

As I was leaving, I stopped to look at a table full of old books.  That's when I realized that the table was really an old laundry rack.  Complete with red line and old clothespins.  I asked if it was for sale and got a "Yes, how about two bucks?" Sold!  It's super cute and I really will use it when I hang out all the vintage linens I seem to drag home.

One last find and this is not a yard sale fine.  I bought myself something on ebay last week, which I never do.  I was looking at Redman Picnic Baskets and all the different sorts and colors when I happened on this:
A child's Redman Picnic Basket!  I never knew that anything like this existed.  I was even more thrilled to see that is was only $5.99!

Tomorrow I have to back to Grandma's so a few more sales will definitely be on my list.  I hope I will find something good.  And you TOO!


  1. I wish I could join you. That looks like an awesome yard sale!! Good finds.

  2. Nice of you to help your grandmother as her personal least you were well rewarded on your way! Hallelujah...let the sales begin.

  3. I am so jealous. It is still a little too early for lawnsales. But in just a few weeks, everything should be starting. I have a question for you, how do you identify your picnic baskets. I have a few and they are old from family members, but what do I look for in a mark? Thanks for your help. By the way Silver Sunday party is this Sunday and I am sharing my thank you to you with everyone. It was a simple lovely gesture from you that really meant so much. Thanks again Please check out my post for Sunday.

  4. love the bitty basket too cute!

  5. Oh dear--that dark green planter wold be such a great addition to my DARK GREEN PLANTER collection! Are you going to put it up for sale? Yard sales signs have sprung up around here like mushrooms and I'm trying sooooo hard to keep away from them but then I see a post like yours and it's like waving a Dove chocolate bar in front of a pack of dieting women. Aaaccckk!

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nice sack you have there lady. :-P~~~ I put all of mine in one place the other day so I can enjoy them. Lord knows it will take me a year to work up the courage to cut them.

  7. EBOR of Granny Slave = Super Saling!! Good trade-off!!

    Loving the 'Mini-Me' Redman Basket!

  8. I love the basket! It looks really cute. I envy your items. Wish I could find some great finds in mine!

  9. Oh you lucky duck, finding a child-size Redman picnic basket!! Wow, I didn't even know they existed!

  10. Love the blue pottery! I was a major craving for yard sales this weekend. But I had all 3 kids with me! I did stop at one and found the only vintage Halloween crap I've ever found! I found some of the paper diecut/wall hanging things. Some of them are Beistel (sp?). I think from the 80s. I also found some Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter ones. SO not OLD OLD, but close enough!


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