
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Change is Good. When It Works.

Woo-hoo-hoo, look at me!  New look for the old monkeybox!!!!

To quote Toby Keith, "How do you like me now?"

Still a little bit of tweaking to be done, but so far, so good. 

Or maybe not, I can't figure out how to load a photo.  *


To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger, "I'll be back!"

*I figured it out!  Whew.  Here's my LittleLlady with her thrifted FREE box "Ugly Doll" from the .  We talk about how pretty she is and how precious she is, so to give her an Ugly Doll was funny.  But, she loves it!


  1. I know! they changed it without a word. I did figure it out but used some naughty words while doing it. Oh and I really like your new look!!

  2. My little bro is getting married this summer and his fiance was looking for a turquoise typewriter just like yours to use in place of a guest book (the guests type a message to the newlyweds--isn't that a cute idea?) They had me looking on craigslist here but I think they found one. I can't wait to see it!

  3. Laurie2:46 PM

    While I love the tablecloth that is your background, it makes it a real PITA to read your blog...

  4. Oh it is so good to see your excitement again. I am feeling good vibes all the way to New England! Looks great.

  5. That is my color...I mean I just love that color!!! Cool header.


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