
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vintage Easter Blog Hop

I'm joining in on Joan at Anything Goes for her Vintage Easter Blog Hop.  I don't join a lot of parties, but Joan's are always about vintage holiday decor, so how can I not join in! 

I have a ridiculous amount of Easter decorations. I have always had a love of bunnies and rabbits and now with my love of all things vintage, I can't pass up anything vintage Easter or Vintage-Inspired Easter.

Here is my old window with a huge yellow feather wreath.  I put all my fake Chocolate bunnies, vintage chenille chicks and vintage plastic flowers on a shelf under the window.

Big vintage flocked Chick card, and lots of eggs.  Hmmmm.....perhaps a bit of a sneak peak for my Eggstra Swappers....... 
This little girl spoke to me at a yard sale past summer - "Take me home!", she said.  So, I did.  Here she is wearing a wee pair of bunny slippers that I made, holding a huge vintage chenille chick and reaching into a vintage basket.

I got this huge pink bunny from the Easter Bunny when I was six years old.  He's really too big for my house, but there is not a chance he going anywhere.  Ever

Three sweet vintage bunnies with my collection of vintage Bunny themed books.  Love that pink one particularly.
Miniature Annalee bunny couple, scored from the FREE bin at one of my favorite thrifts a couple years ago.  The Nicole Sayre bobblehead bunny was a sweet find at a yard sale for 25¢.

This is Peeka.  I got her in Topeka, thus the name.  She was a happy Goodwill find, about five years ago.  e were in town for a wedding and had absolutely no time to do anything but wedding stuff.  But, I found myself within feet of the Goodwill and managed to run in for about five minutes.  I spotted her in the toy bin as I hurried past.  She wasn't priced and I was worried about the price since she is vintage and fabulous.  I was very pleased when the clerk decided that $1.29 was a good price.  I bought her to sell, since I had sold a rubber face teddy bear a few short months before for $287.00.  But, as it so often happens, I feel in love with her (and, luckily, the bottom fell out on the sale of rubber faced toys).  She is still worth about $100.00.  But, she's mine.  The Bean can sell her someday.

Speaking of The Bean.

This is his contribution to my Vintage Easter decor.  He spotted this in a bin of books when he was pretty small.  He had just learned to read his name and was pretty excited to see it on a book.  (So, now you know, The Bean's name!)

Here's the Vintage Easter Basket collection that I decided to start collecting this past year.  Oops, I think my collection is complete.  I have fifteen of them of all sizes.  The biggest one on the right was my Easter basket from my first Easter.  The flocked bunnies are the ones I am collecting to replace the ones that got donated when they shouldn't have.  (*Grumble*grumble)

A vintage metal basket full of chenille stem flowers that I made.  A few chenille chicks thrown in for fun.  (Have you noticed that I lurve chenille chicks?)  The green "egg" is an old embossed trivet, but it just looked like a big Easter Egg to me. 

Two small vintage bunnies.  They both have their "Made in Japan" paper labels on them.

An Annalee bunny, a gift from Miss Heidi, a vintage inspired egg cart full of more vintage plastic flowers and a felt duck that I made.  I added the duck slippers to the bunny because, well, I had them and they fit.  So, there!

Big bowl of German Paper Mache candy container eggs.  I still dream of Sarah's Big Egg
I will find one someday.  I will!

And, lastly, Hazel - my vintage Buster Brown mannequin.  Hazel is a part of my family.  I always thrift for her.  Here she is in a sweet flower-y sundress holding a vintage basket with a chick in it.  She needs some Mary Jane's, but the thrifting Gods have not yet taken upon themselves to show me a good pair for less than $1.00  That is my spending cap for Hazel's attire.  I like to pay no more than $1.00 per outfit.  'Cause she's a mannequin, ya know!  But, I will pay up to $1.00 for shoes or a sweater.  Sweaters are mandatory because she is missing her right arm. 

I hope you enjoyed the tour of all my things - vintage and otherwise.  Be sure to Hop on over to Anything Goes to see all the other vintage Easter treasures in Blogville.


  1. Wow-what an extensive collection you have! I like the way things are grouped together...your chocolate bunnies sure look good enough to eat. Love your assortment of children's Eaaster books and the way you display them. Amazing that you still have your cherished pink bunny from childhood. You are a serious collector! Fun visit!

  2. What a great collection! Love the books and the Pink Bunny what good Easter memories. Blessing, Vicky

  3. Well it's about time....after 2 years of blogging, I've finally found a blog where the owner collects more stuff than I do, and that took some doing! Congrats! LOL! Love all of your vintage bunnies. I REALLY should not have seen those p.m. I'm really having to fight the urge to go over to eBay, so thanx for that! :)

  4. WOW!! That was amazing!! I can't believe its late and I can't go check out all your other posts. I haveta follow just to come back!!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. You KNOW the Annalee bunnies are my favorite! Thank you for sharing all these cute goodies! Happy Early Easter!

  6. this was a nice visit. I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful treasures.
    I love Hazel. She is so adorable.
    I bet she behaves well too!

    Happy Easter Greetings!

  7. Gosh you do have a boat load of Easter goodies ~ and a very broad collection at that! I love that you were at a wedding and still had time for GOODWILL!! Funny ;) Happy Easter ~ Judi

  8. Wow! First, whatever happened to Hazel's other arm???
    Your collection is amazing, and it's what I aspire to. I especially love the bunnies that you have displayed with the old books. They look like the kind of bunnies I remember from when I was little. Love all of the old baskets too. I'm so mad that I forgot to get mine down from the attic! Oh well, still a week 'til Easter!
    Happy Easter!
    P.S. What size Mary Janes does Hazel wear? Just in case I spot some on my travels!

  9. So many cool things to look at! I think Hazel looks super cool in her crocks! I have a couple of old Easter Golden Books that I should get out! I never would have thought of that! Thanks!

  10. What a wonderful vintage collection! Love the old bunnies.

  11. Those Annalee pieces are so cute. Sometimes thrifting is more fun than a wedding! Thanks for sharing. ♫

  12. Nice, you definitely go all out for your vintage holiday decorations. I LOVE those vintage stuffed bunnies & also like that you held on to the one you got as a little girl. :)

  13. Okay, I love all the vintage treasures, especially those from Goodwill, of course. But I absolutely love Hazel. She is so much fun, just my style. Also thank you for sharing your childhood pink bunny. Thanks.

  14. You have such a fun collection...especially Hazel!! I love that you shop for her. :)
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. You have a fun collection. Thanks for sharing it.
    Easter Blessings.
    Deb :)

  16. There's a lot of Easter going on at your home! I especially love Hazel, even if she is missing an arm! Happy Easter Blog Hop! Suzie

  17. you have such a fasinating collection of Easter items, all are so much fun. I love the stuffed bunnies on the shelf.
    thanks for sharing
    happy spring

  18. You do have a huge collection, I have never seen so many different kinds of vintage Easter decorations. I really, really like the display you made under and on the old window. Happy Easter!

  19. wow, you do have a ton, but they are fab!!!


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