
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eggstra Fun Egg Swap - Revealed

The eggs have been mailed, but if you haven't received them yet, and want to be surprised - divert your eyes NOW!  ;o)

Hang on to your Easter Bonnets!  Here we go!
Fabulous glittered eggs from Sarah  So pretty!  I have got to learn how to make those fabulous crepe paper ruffles.

Whimsical creations from Laurie.  She made big eggs and small eggs, in different colors.  I had a hard time choosing.  But, in the end, PINK always wins!

My contribution - Easter Treat Baskets with a silver glittered egg.  Some had different colored mercury beads and different colored chicks. 

A lovely Quilled Egg from Jane  She made every single egg different.  I had a terrible decision to make on which one I wanted to keep.  This one!  No, this one!  No...this one.  I finally settled on the bunnies since I am bunny crazy.  There were hearts, flowers, ducks and lots of other fabulous designs.  These are great!

Bright colored decoupaged eggs from Courtney..  These remind me of actual colored eggs.

A sweet tag from Lisa  She made these tags two sided - what a lot of work that must have been to decorate both sides!

Gorgeous Gilded Eggs from Heidi  Each one had a different vintage earring placed on top.  Again, I had trouble choosing because each one was prettier than the next!  I was torn between a pastel earring and the one I finally chose above.  So, whoever got the pastel one - think of me when you look at it!  (And Heidi, of course!)

Wee sweet chickie from Gail  Each chickie was nestled in a plastic Easter Egg and tied up with a pretty bow.  I just looked at her blog and now I see that each chickie was different.  Whew.  That is one decision I didn't have to make since I couldn't see in the eggs!

Very pretty Paper Eggs from Rebecca. I had to pull Rebecca's leg (the good one) to get her to join in on this swap. She made several variations of this too, again, hard to pick. But, pink and bunnies rule!
These eggs from Aimee-Suzanne made me happy.  They are plastic eggs and they are just chock full of vintage stuff.  Plastic tchotchkes, mercury beads, buttons, tinsel, die cuts, flowers, rhinestones, etc.  They are little shadow boxes of goodies!  And, they arrived in a goodie bag full of even more treats, chocolate and otherwise for everyone!
Lovely Collage Eggs from Debra.  Aren't they sweet?  Debra doesn't have a blog, but asked to play along in our swap.  I am so happy that she did! 

Fun eggs wrapped in thread from Wendy.  I'm not sure how she did this - but it looks time consuming.  The birds had popped ff and I reglued them, but they may pop off again in transit.  I had trouble getting my glue to stick.

Nearly all the eggs came in lovely cellophane bags with Easter Grass or shredded paper inside.  It is really going to be fun to get that box and delve into it!  Oh wait, if you are reading this, then you probably already opened yours.  Then it was fun, huh?


  1. think I have a crepe paper ruffle tutorial on the sidebar on the blog? But that method DID NOT WORK with this damn crepe paper. I had to sew them and then sit there and hand ruffle them all with the basting thread.

  2. All the eggs turned out wonderful! Might be a good thing I had to drop out, mine would not have been anywhere near as pretty! Great Job Everyone!

  3. I got my box today! I love them all, what fun to see how everyone interpreted the theme differently. :)

  4. Since I do not have a blog, I wanted to thank everyone for the eggs that were created for me. I was so excited when I saw that the box of goodies had arrived.

    All of them were fantastic. Can't wait to show them to my Mom and her group of friends, "The Vintage Blossoms". They will all be oooooed and aaaahhhed over tomorrow.
    Thank you for including me in the egg swap, Shara. It was loads of fun.

    Debra Ganas

  5. I got mine! :) Everyone did a great job! Im sorry about my birds popping off. I didnt even think about wrapping them seperately!


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