
Friday, March 19, 2010

Eggscellent Post for YOU

Update:  The winner by luck of the random Number Generator is TRACI.  Congrats, Traci.  I'm off to email you.

I'm currently hosting an egg swap and the eggs are rolling in. I have got to get cracking on boxing them up and getting them in a carton back to each of the swappers. (I am running very low on egg jokes and egg word play here...)

Many of the lovely ladies have sent one extra egg that they have created for me to give to one of my lucky blog friends.  I will include some Eggstra Easter goodies and surprises too.  I can't show you the eggs because, I don't even have them all, but most importantly, because I don't want to ruin the surprise for the swappers.

Leave a comment on this post.  You MUST have an email address in your comment or attached to your profile to win.  If I can't find you, you can't win.  :o(  I will  pick a winner on Tuesday and get in touch with them ASAP so I can hopefully get it in the mail on Wednesday when I plan on mailing the swap packages out. If you've come from one of the other Egstra Fun Swappers blogs, leave me a comment so I will know how you found us.

Good luck! 

**This is my 800th post.  Man, this chick can gab!


  1. I am so glad the swap is going well. Sorry I had to exit but with coming to my Mother's it was best. STILL I would like to be entered for a chance to win a few decorated eggs.
    Thanks for hosting this swap!

  2. Oh and congrats on 800 posts! I just hit my 100th post and I can't imagine 800...wonderful!!!

  3. Shara, I would love to be a winner!!! I just love your blog so much. I love everything you have to say and I love to see your thrifting treasures. Your blog is the first one I go to every day.


  4. Congrats...800 posts...that's eggsellent! I enjoy reading your blog & would love to be entered for a chance to win.

  5. Obviously I dont need to be the winner, but yesterday I was thinking I should have given you some sorting tips to make that part easier. It took me 2 years to get a good system. LOL Let me know if you want to know how I sort those buggers quickly.

  6. What, you don't want people you've never heard of entering your giveaway? I feel guilty when I enter a giveaway when I've never left a comment before, but as I've left you many, many, many delightful comments over the years (but probably not on all 800 posts) I'm not feeling guilty at all. I don't have a single egg pun to pass along, but you could think about using scramble, poach, fry ... just trying to help.

  7. Here's to 800 More!!

  8. Melissa8:47 AM

    I am so eggcited for you and your 800th post!!! You brighten my day.

  9. Sorry I couldn't do the swap. It's just too crazy with new baby. But I'd love some cool Easter decs!

    congrats on 800 posts!

  10. 800 posts? Holy scrambled eggs! Congrats, and please enter me, because I would love to win some pretty eggs!

  11. Janet K.6:36 PM

    800 and we have loved every one! I would be very excited to be entered for a chance to win. Thanks Miss Shara! HTH Janet @

  12. I would be cracked to not get in on this give away and That's no yoke.:) ok I'm done. Congradulations on your 800th post.

  13. why did the chicken cross the road?

    to get to her mailbox and see what shara sent her!

    okay, so that's not a good yoke. i am a bit hard-boiled when it comes to things like this, but i like to shell-ebrate sometimes too! i don't want to poach anyone else's jokes, i might end up with egg all over my face, or it might crack you up.

    i would like to be a weiner (oops! hot dog joke as a bonus!)!

    great giveaway, great hostess!


  14. I'm not crafty to be in your eggschange, but I'd love to win the bonus entry.

    Congrats on 800 posts.



I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)