
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Why I Can't Get Anything Productive Accomplished

Today was to be a day filled with schoolwork (we got that one done) and lots of photo taking for my Etsy Shop.  Let's see how that went, shall we?

Set up light box.
Take photo of Vintage Sewing Box.

Remove cat from light box.

Take photo of Vintage Mouse in the House Cookie Jar.

Remove cat from light box.

Take photo of Much Loved Vintage Doggie.
Remove cat from light box.

Take photo of Victorian Cabinet Photo Album.

Give up. 

Maybe tomorrow?


  1. So funny! My cat likes to help me take photos also. It seems like they want to be where ever it is you don't want them to be. So funny!!!

  2. She makes me miss my kitty! Such fun personalities!

  3. Maybe she just wanted her picture taken? :) I have two that would be in the box too.


  4. You have a good helper.

  5. Maybe she wants to be your Etsy avatar? ;)

  6. Thats hilarious! My cats do the same thing

  7. Very funny! I don't have a cat, so what's my excuse!

  8. LOL!! Your kitty is so much like my doggy. He's an attention wh0re!! He will hear me turn my camera on & come running and sit & pose until I've taken a few pictures of him.

    Maybe today will be more productive for ya!

  9. Same thing at my house only my helpers are my children ;0. Seems like as soon as I get myself all organized for photos all of the sudden they can no longer play by themselves or together!! Oh well tomorrow is always another day, except I'm always saying that !!

  10. That post was a riot! So familiar to me with my own lovable kitty. Why do they always seem to be around when you are trying to get something done?


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