
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Pop on over to Joan's at Anything Goes for her Vintage Valentine Card Party.

To see the rest of my vintage Valentine Decor look here.

I prefer kid Valentine's like we exchanged at school when I was a kid. 

Remember decorating your box? 
Getting a card for that boy?  Swoon
Getting a card from that other boy?  Hurl
Going home with a Fruit Punch mustache?
Red sugar on your blouse?
Saving your Valentine themed napkin?
Wearing your red and white yarn doodles?

I have a bunch of vintage Valentine Cards that I bought at a yard sale (The "Sale of Sale" for those of you long time readers) for 25¢.  They had belonged to a teacher and was all the extras she did not use for her class plus all the "To Teacher" cards, because she didn't have a use for those since she was Teacher.

Here are a few of my Favorites:

"Oh Daddio!  We'll raise a Hullaballo!" 
Whatever that means!
Love those kids! 
"Snow Kidding!"  This one is cute!
"Say You'll Never Wash me out!"
He is one "Hep Cat!"
I have a bunch of old Disney Cards. 
And, these are Dam Trolls from the 1960's. 
Love this sweet 1940's card, a gift from my friend Heidi.
An an old "To My Wife" Card complete with glitter and roses.
To: Margaret. 
All My Love, Harold.

So, to Harold and Margaret and all of you I say,

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Thanks for sharing, cute cards!

  2. Quite a few cards ya have there! Yes, that is one happening guy, beard and all. And you got them for a steal too, lucky gal! Thanks for sharing and Happy Valentine's Day! Judi

  3. Such cute cards and thanks to you I have some vintage kids valentine's also! I got them in the mail yesterday!!!! Posted about it today! Have a great Valentine's Day!

    Linda @ A La Carte

  4. Hi there! Happy Valentine's Day to you! I LOVE the valentine ornament doll you made for Sarah's Heart to Heart Swap- precious- and have included a photo of it in a slideshow over at my blog:

    I made the heart banner- hopefully it complements your February decor!

    So glad to have found your blog!


  5. I had the igloo card. I can't believe I am viewing these cards and I remember some of the 70's cards. Too cute. Happy Valentines Day!

  6. heheh...dont wash me out that one...

    Happy Valentines Day..

  7. These look exactly like the one's I had in school. My oh my, I feel old. Thanks for sharing. Yes I remember decorating my shoebox for my valentines day mailbox.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Valentines! I love the 60's feel of them. Just too cute! Enjoy your Valentine's Day! Elizabeth

  9. Love the trolls! I've never seen any of those before! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Cute cards; these are my favourites too! Please come and visit me; I'm having a blog give-a-way. Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. I love to see other gal's collection of Valentine cards. Thanks for sharing your!
    Deb :)

  12. Valentines sure were the home of the pun... it took a particular kind of writing skill to do them.

    They are so funny! Thanks for taking part in the Vintage Valentine Card Party! xo Joan, your hostess

  13. I love the ones that remind me of school too! That bearded guy one is cah-razy! Love the little eskimos in the igloo too. Great collection!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. Those are all so cute! I love the vintage Disney ones! Lucky Lady you!


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