
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Glittery, Sparkly Goodness

I wanted to thank everyone for the Shadowbox love last week. I don't do a lot of Christmas Crafting due to time restraints and the mass amount of cool vintage things that I already own. But, a little vintage inspired crafting fits in, I suppose.

Since this one was already gifted, I decided I should make myself one too.

Even this one looks smaller , it is actually quite a bit bigger than the original shadowbox. The first one was about 6" square, this one is about 11" x 13". The Santa and sleigh are quite big, but they look like they are high in the sky leaping out of the frame, so I think it works.
For the Sparkling Winter White Swap I was partnered with Mary at Vintage Patina. Since the entire swap theme was my idea, I really stuck to the Sparkling Winter White theme and colors of white, silver and clear. Above you can see the packages that I sent.I also made this glittery snowy house for Mary. It was a pre-fab cardboard house that I gussied up with lots of glitter and shine. I covered a wooden base with old Sheet Music, then applied Modge-Podge and iridescent glitter to cover it. When it all dried, it looked like the sheet music was under glass. Mary seemed happy with it, so that so the best part.

I also made this little vintage inspired paperweight for her. These are fun to make - it's like a mini collage under glass.

I also sent her these vintage white pottery angels. I am having a wee bit of remose for letting them go, but I think they will it in Mary's house perfectly.

Mary sent me this fabulous vintage tablecloth. She said she was hesitant to send it since it didn't fit the theme. Well - I adore it, so I am soooooo happy that she sent it.

She also included a sweet white bottle brush in a vintage mold, a glittery bird on a glittery spool, a fabulous brooch, a felted brooch, vintage letter tile art, lots of sparkly glittery ornaments and a pair of sweet vintage Caroling Candle holders. She also sent me a lovely angel for the top of my tree that I failed to photograph. Thank you Mary!

My friend Sue sent me a lovely piece of sea glass that she found on the beach - she soldered it and made it into an ornament for me. I plan on wearing it though - I think it is just lovely! Thank you Sue!

The Christmas festivities start here tomorrow afternoon and will go into Friday afternoon. We have snow forecasted,which isn't fun for travelling. Hopefully, it won't get too slick. If it does - we will alter our plans a bit. It doesn't matter when we have our Christmas - as long as we are all together and safe.

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for all the friendships I have made this year and have kept over the years through this old blog. I never would have thought I would meet so many people and have such good friends out there. Friends I have never even met, but know me better than my own family! Merry Christmas to you and you and you and you and .......


  1. Merry Christmas to you as well!! All your goodies look fabulous!!

  2. What wonderful gifts to give and receive! Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to more visits with you.


  3. I love your shadowboxes! Every time you post around the holidays I see something that reminds me of stuff we had when I was a kid and I just love it! This time it's the red Santa and sleigh w/ the white and black spotted reindeer. Just kills me! Merry Christmas!!!


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