
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pottery and Potties. How's that for a Title?

Saturday I went to a few sales, but I think I only bought two things total. I did manage to run by the Super Cheap Thrift (in hopes that the Christmas items were starting to make an appearance) and I found a few goodies. I knew yard sale season was coming to a halt, so that's okay.
Before I post these photos - I have to say that today was a dark, dark rainy day without a smidgen of sunshine. So, photos were snapped in and around the house until I managed to take some halfway decent ones.

At the one sale I did buy something - this pretty piece of pottery. It isn't marked, but it has the look and feel of the old pottery that I love. I like pink, but honestly this one is a bit more in the mauve area which so reminds me of the early 1990's and my "country blue and mauve" themed Wedding (no country ducks with blue bows, I am happy to report). Needless to say, I'm not in love with it, so it will mostly likely make an appearance on Etsy. *How do you like all that clutter in the background? See why I always take photos my out in that old green cabinet?

This pretty blue relish tray was at the sale where I got the mauve vase. I thought it was pretty - and it is huge - so I picked it up to see if it had a mark on the bottom. It wasn't marked, so I didn't figure I could sell it, so I set it down. When I paid for the vase the lady said, "I saw you look at that aqua dish. Would you please take it home with you?" She said that she really thought someone would snap it up, but all day, I had been the first one to look at it, so she wanted me to have it. I promised her that I would use it at Thanksgiving. It really is pretty and now it has a nice story to go with it. And, a bonus feature - I always make the Relish Tray for Thanksgiving! It was only $1.00 - I'm really surprised that no one had bought it.

Silly vintage "Round TUIT" potholders. These were probably a giveaway at a hardware store or grocery store. You know what a Round TUIT is don't you? I'll do it, when I get a ROUND TU IT.

This was at the Super Cheap Thrift - 50¢ for both pieces. I bought them together like this, but once I got them home, I realized that they are two separate things - a lidded jar and the cute wall hook doll. I really don't know what I will do with them, but I love Nesting Dolls, so I picked it up. Hmmmmm......have I ever shown my collection of Matryoshka?

Proof that the vintage Christmas is starting to trickle in the thrifts - a few vintage plastic ornaments, a vintage snowflake tree topper and a sequined ornament - all 10¢ each. The big Mercury Glass ornaments were 25¢ - they are new, but I like them.

I bought the vintage tree stand solely for the great old packaging. I love my old Dime Store box collection! The Christmas Card box was actually found at my Grandmothers house yesterday. She never saves anything including family mementos. I was really surprised to find this box in a cabinet with some Florida vacation photos in it. I might have added those photos to another box and I might have taken the Christmas Card box without Grandma's authorization. Maybe.

And now, my favorite find of the day. I actually had one of these a few years ago and I gifted it to someone in the "Tacky Gift Exchange" (Hi Austinite, if you still check in...) and I have really been sick ever since I gave it away. It is seriously tacky. Are you ready? Are you sitting down?

Well, get UP! You are siting on my toilet seat cover! A bedazzled, sequined SANTA toilet seat cover! Can it get any better than that?
Why, yes, yes it can. Lift the lid and Santa covers his eyes. This thing absolutely cracks me UP! The fact that someone actually handmade it makes me even happier. "Whatcha making Martha?" "Why I'm making a sequined Santa toilet seat cover, of course." "Okaaaaaaaaaaay..." Will this actually appear on our toilet this Christmas? Probably not. But, it will make an appearance somewhere.
Tomorrow it is finally going to get cold. And a chance of snow flurries on Tuesday. I've really loved the warm weather, but I don't see how people in warm climates ever get used to decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas in 80 degree weather. I'm ready for cooler temperatures. Bring on the jackets and the turkey and the Christmas lights. I'm ready! (Sorry Mumsie, I know you aren't).


  1. I think they have those toilet seat covers at our local 'craft shows'!! 8-)

    I see vanilla tootsies in that first photo -YUM!!

  2. We're still yard saling like crazy down here in south MS but once it gets below 60 degrees the locals will all think it's too cold to be outside. The blue dish is lovely and that's the kind of thing I always scoop up first, marked or not. Believe me, it's not easy getting in the holiday mood when you're wearing t-shirts and flip-flops, but somehow we manage!

  3. We used to have a Santa potty cover when I was little. My brother thought it was funny to pee on Santa. Needless to say, we don't still use it. Nor is it stored in the attic! I'm sure you won't have to worry about that with The Bean!

  4. LOL Tacky Christmas is always a good laugh.

    None of my vintage pottery that is pink is really *pink*, it's all pretty mauvy. Thats probably why I dont buy a lot of it either...

  5. Christmas in South Florida takes some getting used to. Everyone decorates like mad, just like up north. But it is a little odd seeing all the snowman inflatables in a tropical landscape. And Christmas lights all over palm trees. But there is nothing like watching New Years Day sunrise on a warm beach! Congrats on the Santa seat cover. That is quite unusual.

  6. You showed a picture of your toilet! You showed a picture of your toilet!
    Wow, that is delightfully tacky! Love the doll holding the jar. Very cheery!

  7. Your blog is so much fun! In the background of the first picture is a bobble head Santa that I had grownign up!! I LOVE IT!! awesome!

  8. I can't believe you find so much stuff! In my neck of the woods, it's been slim pickin's for the longest time. Maybe I'm just searching the wrong woods!


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