
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pottery & Pie

Saturday I was in the car about to back up to head towards the Super Cheap Thrift, when The Breadman pulled in the driveway with the new dryer. So, instead of a bit of thrift therapy, I had to get out of the car and start unloading it. That, compiled with the cleaning I accomplished this weekend (that resulted in a carload of donations), meant that a trip to the Super Cheap Thrift was definitely on my plate today.
The thrift was packed full of new things, but I recognized a lot of them from my previous donations. I picked up several things thinking, "I have one like these at home. No, wait, I donated it. And this is it! Put it down and walk away!" As usual, I managed to find a few things.

A funny old figurine from JAPAN priced 19¢ on the bottom. I paid 25¢. That's not bad inflation for about 50 years. I thought her face was a cute when I picked her up. Then, when I got her home, I analyzed it a bit. Cute angel girl holding a book with a lamb and they are on a ....sled? Not sure. She's still cute though.

This blue glass dish is marked FireKing and Oven Proof. I can't imagine putting anything like this in the oven though. The pretty blue color caught my eye but the FireKing name sold it. It was only 50¢.

This piece of pottery was $1.00. It is tall - about 10 inches tall and heavy. It has a shiny glaze, which I normally don't find attractive. But, I kept looking at it every time I passed by. I finally picked it up and saw this:

Red Wing! My first piece of Red Wing. I keep all my pottery in one big cabinet, so I try to keep it all pastel and matte finish. But, this one is different, so there goes that idea out the window. But, it was Red Wing and it was a dollar, so it is mine.
This afternoon, I made an Apple Pie. I always thought making a pie was this magical thing that only Grandma's could do. But, then I found out that it really isn't that hard. I'm still amazed when I make a pie that looks like an actual pie! And, even better - it tastes like an apple pie!


  1. MMmmmMMM...Redwing AND apple pie? Wonderful! happy Wednesday *elaine*

  2. I was just looking at fireking delphite stuff on ebay this past week. Man, it is pricey stuff. Nice score there. (Man, my code word is resesesc, I challenge you to type that three times fast.)

  3. Relieved to know I'm not the only one who almost buys back my donations. I don't think I've done it yet, but there have been some close calls.

  4. I'm coming over for some of that Yummy looking apple PIE!!!
    Love your new finds and I think you should look up the Red may be surprised about it.
    I dropped of a box of stuff yesterday also and just got a few things..nothing exciting.
    Deb :)


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