
Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's Baaaaaaack!

It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!
The traveling monkeybox Junk Box has made it full circle back to Arkansas.
Here comes the box! Delivered to the door by my mail lady.
Thanks mail lady!

We were honestly walking out the door to go to the movies when it arrived, but I had to have a dig in that box! The Breadman and The Bean gathered around to see what was inside too. The Bean scored a bunch of keychains for his collection and a rubber bracelet.

I opened it to find the instruction pack right on top. I picked a great group of ladies that packed everything properly and followed all the so-called rules. The whole thing went very well (except one address mistake on my part that caused a package to be returned. But, never fear, problem solved and the package was delivered a few days later).

The box weighed 12 pounds when I got it back. I had mailed out 9 pounds initially. So, it was STUFFED.

Since the box ended with me, I got to keep anything and everything. Anyone could keep as much as they wanted once it arrived at their doorstep. But, since it stopped with me, I will find a home for everything.

What did I keep?

Three watermelon potholders put in by Chris, a box of "Tutsie Roll" chocolate scented candles (for my birthday candle collection), a stack of neat old photographs of vintage planes and a metal clip for holding notes. (To get an idea of what I initially put in the box, check out Chris's blog.)

Various Christmas items including light reflectors, cupcake picks from Elizabeth and vintage ornaments.

Loving that silly bird in a hat! I have a pretty good feeling that most of the Christmas, and especially this bird, came from Laurie.

Lots of teeny gizmos, destined for the craft bin. Tiny hand-painted buttons of all sorts, picks for crafting, some old jewelry items, a sweet flower pin, vintage necklace, birdie clips, a toadstool pendant and a couple mini pumpkins.

A sweet apron, old lace belt, trim and appliques, a 1964 Workbasket, Canning labels and a sweet old book (that I may or may not have actually put in myself. I know I put in a book like this one - but not sure if this is it? Oh, getting old is so not fun...)

A chippy wooden molding mirror, pig planter and shoe - all from Carol, a funny old pincushion and three tiny bottles. I collect these bottles - I used to win them in the claw machine at the fair. I always pick them up when I see them.

A bunch of seashells and sea glass that I think must be from Sue since I know she is quite beachcomber. Sue and Laurie didn't post what they sent so they next person would be surprised, so I am guessing on a few of the items.

This all that came back to me that I had originally put in he big old box of junk. I was surprised to see the old telephone book come back. I though that would get snapped up. I've seen them used in junky crafting, so I it will go back into my stash.

I had fun doing this and from the excitement on everyone's posts, I think everyone else enjoyed it too. Thank you ladies for playing along!

I had a lot of emails and comments from people asking me how to do their own Junk Swap. Easy! Fill up a Flat Rate box (Costs $13.95 to mail no matter how heavy it is) with miscellaneous things. I call it junk, but I mean stuff that you don't want or need anymore, but that is still good stuff.

Find a small group of loyal good people to play along. I went with five plus me. The box traveled around the USA in about a month before it came back to me. Any more people than five and the longer it would have taken to come back. I added an envelope with all the pre-addressed address labels so that each person just had to find their name on the return address and stick it on the box so that it would go to the next person. Each person emailed me to say that it had been mailed and alerted the next person on the list that it was enroute. (Much excitement ensued as it was in transit!) They way we did it worked great. I think, am I right ladies? Just remember to make the box go back to the original sender since they started the whole thing in the first place.


  1. I read about this on Chris' blog. If you do it again, I want to play! Looks like it was loads of fun!

  2. This swap worked like a charm (except for address mishap) and was fun to participate in. Shara, you are right about the silly bird with the hat (I have a matching one in blue). I also threw in the Christmas, the Tootsie roll candles and the bird clips. That box was so full I could hardly stuff anything else in! Glad it made it back home safe and sound.

  3. Glad the junk box arrived, loaded with new treasures for you.
    In the other post, I WANT a corvette like that one. My neighbor let me drives hers, just like that one....years ago when I was 16...and it's been my Dream Car ever since!!!
    Deb :)

  4. I'm so glad you found alot of goodies for yourself in the box Shara! It was so much fun. But next time, I think we're gonna need a bigger box!
    Have a great weekend!
    P.S. I considered taking that telephone book thingie, but when I opened it, it bit me! I mean it pinched me!

  5. Who needs traveling pants when you've got a Good Junk box!! Those old photos are compliments of a recent cleanout by my FIL, and you were correct in your ID of the shells & sea glass (and mosaic tiles, and Workbasket magazine, and Christmas elf, and...) ! ENJOY!!

  6. It was a great idea and it was fun seeing what each person took from the stuff I put in. From your photos, it appears that most of my goodies have new homes all over the country. Thanks for letting me play!!!


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