
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rrrrrrrrrrrreally Fun Find!

I live in a tiny town. A town of less than 5,000. And, in my tiny town today there was a Classic Car Show, a Diabetes Walk with more than 1,000 people and it was City Wide Clean-Up Day (you take it to the dump, not curbside - or I would have been doing some serious curbside shopping). I really had not planned on venturing out into all that madness. But, I made the mistake of looking on Craigslist and find a sale that touted "a massive amount of Home School materials", so I thought I would check it out. Our computer program cost $350.00, so I am always looking for supplemental materials at a much (much) lesser cost. Unfortunately, once we got there, I saw that it was all Elementary aged materials, so not much I could use. None the less, the day was not a bust as I happened upon a true "digger" sale. Boxes of junk, bags of mixed up items, really just a big old mess. But, I was willing to dig. And, it paid off!
An old Christmas Fruitcake tin, vintage donkey planter, Stunts for the Piano Book (love the graphics), Braid it Yourself Braided Rug Tools and a vintage pink Japanese Shadowbox of sorts. Each thing was 25¢.

I spotted a bag of clothes, which I normally go right past. But, I saw a peek of vintage fabric sticking out, so I dug in to see what I could find. What was it? Vintage Baby Clothes!

A sweet green sundress with a funny dog and daisy theme. In need of a pressing, but adorable.

As sweet vintage Sailor Dress.
Another Sailor Dress.

A cute gingham number with a pinafore.

And, my favorite, a cutie with a daisy on the front and daisies on the sleeves. I realize that I don't even have a little girl, but these are just the right size for my Buster Brown Mannequin. I have been trying to find her some vintage clothes for quite awhile now. All the outfits were a total of $1.00.

As I was digging in one bag I saw what looked like a quilt, so I dug it out. It was a quilt top, but it was a good one hand quilted with flour sack material and signatures embroidered on each square. I held it up like it was an old dirty Kleenex and said, "How much is this?" (That is how people ask for things at my sales, so why not try it myself?) Anyway, the lady said $2.00, so I stuck it under my arm and figured I could get a good look at it at home.
When I did get it home and laid it out it, I couldn't believe the pattern.

"R's" - I've never seen a quilt with letters on it. I love it - it is very creative and original! My maiden name was Richardson, so all the better. It has all the old school names like Pearl, Viola, Eunice and Gertrude.

Viola Riddle
Stella Howell

Mary Anderson
Julia Gaiser

Odie Newman
And, last but not least, Grandma Hembree.
Don't you LOVE it?


  1. Shara scores again! Lady...your finds this time are amazing. THE quilt!!!! found a quilt made by many & signed and it's so unusual...$2.00???!!! It's a beauty! happy Sunday *elaine*

  2. Let me know how that 'rug braiding' goes for you!! I've actually thought of trying it, BUT...

  3. What cool finds!! WOOOW!!! Love the vintage clothes!

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The names are priceless. I can't imagine that a quilt with Britney, Taylor, Tiffany, etc. will ever have that feeling. You had a good day! Lucky you!

  5. So glad you ventured out, though I can certaily understand not wanting to! I'd be googling all those names, trying to figure out where the quilt top was made. Lots of names on geneaology sites out there!

  6. I wonder if that quilt was a wedding gift for someone with the new last name beginning with R? All the bride's friends and relatives would have gotten together to make a square and signed it. I know DH has a baby blanket with all the ladies' names on it who made it.

    I've seen that tin before on a blog or in a magazine before--didn't realize it was a fruitcake tin! Love the old glass bead picks on the front.

  7. Well, I am sure this goes with out saying, but it is WONDERFUL Shara. Really wonderful.

  8. That quilt is definitely different! Very neat.

    I love those baby clothes, too.

  9. That quilt is great!!! Love the sailor dress, super cute.

  10. Loving the quilt...and all those old school grandmother's names were Phoebe and Ethel...they would have fit right in with Pearl, Viola, Eunice and Gertrude. RRRReally great find!

  11. Great finds, especially that quilt!! What a great piece of history too. If you EVER decide you don't want it, my last name starts with an R....

  12. After reading your blog for several months and adoring what you are finding, I had to comment - You are just so amazing - the R quilt - for 2 bucks - Way to go! Outstanding! I went to an auction on Saturday and was thrilled with a bucket of old wooden thread spools - with thread and 3 needle containers - fun fun! And your score on the clothes - they look like what I was dressed in in the late 60's - scary that I'm that old! LOL keep up the great work!

  13. Those dresses are just precious!!! What fabulous finds! I love your blog and am adding it to google reader...yippee! :)

  14. That's the greatest quilt everrrrrrrr (hey, everybody else was doing multiple rrrs - I couldn't help myself.)

  15. Oh those vintage clothes! How adorable! And the quilt is just amazing. What a find!

  16. You find the most wonderful things and I just cannot help myslef I must come on over to see what is new! and what you have found. The quilt is a true treasure.

    good wishes always. Lee-Ann


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