
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Get Your Game On

With Halloween a bit too far away for decorating just yet and the vintage birthday display down, I found myself with a bare corner sans any happy vintage cheer. Well, we can't have that, now can we?

I've had a good Run this summer picking up vintage games and cards. I just had them in a big stack in my office, but decided to put them out to enjoy for a bit.
All the old boxes are so happy and colorful.

I saved this old game board a few years ago out of a box of things that had water damage. But, the game board survived. Tiddle Tac Toe sounds like fun, doesn't it?

A big jar full of poker chips, dice, chess pieces, checkers and dominoes sits in the middle of this shelf. My Dad brought me the teeny Hearts game one day from a yard sale. He goes yard saling a lot, but ever, ever buy anything. I was surprised he actually saw this tiny box of old cards.
The clown face goes in the Tiddly Wink box above it. More game pieces in a jar. A wee deck of cards, old Monopoly money and wooden game pieces. I love that BINGO box. So cute.

I love these old metal airplanes. I can see these being dangerous in the hands of bunch of rambunctious boys.

Metal Zephyr's - these go with the game board on the top shelf. When I picked up that box of multicolored chips, I thought I would use them in crafts. but, I really love them all in the box. So many colors.

I found the giant checkers at a sale last week. I knew they were perfect to use in my display to build things up and for height. They did work, but you can't even see a single on of them!

So, this should fill up my decorating void until it's time to pull out my glittery Halloween goodness. Cooooome on October!


  1. cute stuff...loving the games. I have a bunch of old game boards that I collected thinking I would do something with them - someday....just need the right project. surprise - surprise - I have the same bingo box.

  2. October will be here soon enough, and I, like you, can hardly wait to get out my decorations!

    What a lovely selection of old games you have! i have a few, but they are tucked away in the cabinet..not sure what to do with them!

  3. Oooo, Shara....can I come to your house 'n play TiddleTacToe? And then you can come to my house and we can play Moksha-Patamu...{Chutes and Ladders, from India} I have no pieces for that, but with your jar and mine, I'm sure we can come up with something!!! We can have a play date...sound like fun? :o} giveback ends Saturday night...check it out if you get a minute. Happy Friday *elaine*

  4. I love that display. Love, love, love it. Especially the airplanes.

  5. I love it when other people just can't have an open spot in the house. It just DEMANDS to be filled! You did a great job with all those neat old games. PS--my word verification word is "barma"--is that karma for drinkers??

  6. Oh Shara, I love, love this collection! This is good enough to keep putting back up after every holiday! Now can you please share the directions for a game of "Flinch"? How exactly is THAT played? Sounds scary and possibly painful....

  7. You really have a lot of old game pieces! They look great. I like those little airplanes. too.

  8. You really have a lot of old game pieces! They look great. I like those little airplanes. too.

  9. I love all the graphics on the games, are the little metal airplanes and zephrs game pieces? They're great, I like them all lined up in a row!


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