
Thursday, August 20, 2009

How To / How Not To

This means:"Disabled Parking Only"
*Taken at Neighborhood Market in Springdale, Arkansas by Shara
So, does this mean.....
"Parking only for people who have a goiter on their neck and are sitting in a rocking chair"?
*Taken at Taco Tico in Springdale, Arkansas by Shara
Such a bad paint job just had to be photographed. And blogged.
Heavens to Betsy!
*Edited to add where these were taken - and yes, I spotted them and took the photos. I didn't get any looks when I tootk the "bad" one. However, I had several people watching me and giggling when I took a photo of the "good" one. Go figure.
*edited to add again - the b*ner thought crossed my mind too!


  1. HHAHH!!! Can we put this on a cake?...and send it to Cake Wrecks?...too funny...where do you find this stuff?!! *elaine*

  2. Hi,Shara.
    Wherever in America did you find this picture? It looks like you took a quick trip to China to snap the shot. I love the "goiter" reference. Funny one !!!
    Eileen @

  3. Or, a man with a goiter, broken arm, broken leg, and a b*ner sitting in a rocking chair? WHERE was this photo taken? This has to be a joke, right?

  4. Maybe you should send that 2nd one to awkward boners dot com, & yes that is really a web site & yes I am ashamed for really knowing that it exists...

  5. So funny, especially the last sentence!

  6. I used to own a company in Texas that painted parking lots. That included stencils for handicap spaces. I've never seen any quite like this before! You made my day.


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