
Sunday, July 05, 2009

What I Did This Weekend

Visited the Confederate Cemetery.

Took photos of The Bean on a monument.

Admired the 200 year old trees.

Bid farewell to our favorite local Chinese restaurant. This is where we celebrate every birthday, anniversary and holiday in our family. The economy finally got to the owner and it will close on Tuesday.
Our waitress who likes us very much and speaks little English, cried when she told us goodbye. She wrapped up a big bag of Almond Cookies for The Bean to take home. She has loved him since he was five years old. We will miss our restaurant very much. (The waitress also gave me a neck massage while I ate - she always does this to me and I swear, my neck and shoulders are more loose and agile than they have been in months. I may hire her to cook Chinese and give me massages.)

Went back for the second Rodeo of the Ozarks parade where there were a lot of different things from the first parade.

I'm really good at getting photos of things after they have passed.
Found an actual Cake wreck and actually purchased it. It was reduced to $2.40, which is still expensive since it was only two cupcakes. What do you think that looks like in the middle?***
Found a thrift store open on a holiday. Bought these three little vintage clothespin dolls for 15¢ each. Cute, eh?

And this little vintage silver loving cup from a Pistol Competition for 25¢.

And went to the Fireworks.
Here's the Finale.
Not bad for a tiny town of 4,000 people.
(Part of the video is sideways, but the fireworks are still pretty.)

What's that Cake Wreck? ***Testicles. Am I right? Exploding Patriotic testicles. Yummy!


  1. HHHAAAHHH!!!! Snort....giggle...that's what i thought...but then i thought...NO WAY...then i thought has Shara already posted this on Cake Wrecks??!! Too Funny! Thanks for the great laugh first thing on a monday morning!! *elaine*

  2. Oh my word. Those are definitely testicles.

  3. You know, I've always wondered what happened to those things after a guy's been "eunuched". Apparently someone frosts them, prices them at $2.40 and markets them as "Exploding Patriotic Cupcakes." Is this too gross for y'all? Sorry--the photo just inspired me . . .

  4. That cake wreck is so funny! Thanks for sharing =)
    Hey, I wanted to ask, I am JUST starting a blog and wanted to know how you put multiple pictures on one post?? Thanks!


  5. That is so sad about your favorite restaurant! I love those local favorites where they know you!


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