
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Toadstools - They Grow On You!

I seem to have some sort of toadstool ju-ju when I go thrifting. Last summer I happened upon about 20 packages of miniature brown and white toadstools. Then a few weeks ago, I found another 40 packages of brown and white and red and white toadstools in all sizes.

And then, yesterday at the Super Cheap Thrift, I found these:

At first I thought they weren't too great. Homemade and very 1970's.

But, then, they started growing on me. Like toadstools tend to do.
I think these two are sweet - pale blue background with the different colored flowers and bumblebee.
The pinks and blues in these are sweet too. I really didn't realize there were definite pairs of them until I got them home and separated them.
This one is larger that the pairs. The aqua is kind of sweet.

I like that red capped one.
And, the pink and bue one too.
Somebody liked toadstools!

And, apparently, I do too.
How about YOU?
*These are Etsy bound as I have ZERO room for anymore collections.
*Except maybe that red capped one......


  1. What's your etsy shop name? I couldn't find a link on your blog anywhere (which doesn't mean it's not there, just that I'm dense. :)

  2. Very cute..and I also would like your etsy shop link...I have a friend who collects mushrooms and I'm thinking I should get her some.
    Deb :)

  3. All of the rain that you were having a few weeks ago has moved to the NorthEast and I've been finding 'toadstools' in areas never before encountered.... only wish they were Cute ones like yours - not ones that squish between my toes!! FUN FINDS!


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