
Monday, June 22, 2009

Red, White & Blue

I'm baaaaaaack!

Hey everybody! I'm baaaaaaaack. I'm feeling pretty good. I get tired and have to do things sort of slower than I'd like and I have to ask for help more than I am used to doing, but I am getting back to my old self. I couldn't drive for 4-5 days and the five days ended about 8:30 last night so The Bean and I jumped in the car and took a neighborhood drive. I was hoping for a good trash night find, but we came home empty handed. But, it was good to be out of the house and driving once again. Wednesday I get the stitches out, and not a moment too soon. They are driving me batty. But, enough about that.

I signed up for two swaps centered around the 4th of July this year. One was with Sweet Goodness Swaps (which I am now one of The Goodness Girls). My partner was the lovely Ali at Wila's Way. She lives near Washington, DC., the most patriotic place on earth!

Here are all the goodies that Ali sent me - lots of sweets to wrestle The Bean over, a patriotic notepad and a glittery pen (Ali is a huge fan of making lists and I am too), a dip bowl with star-topped spreader, summer-y napkins, two fun metal buckets, a star shaped clip from Washington, DC and a wonderful piece of art.

Here's the art - an artist's view of the FDR monument in Washington, DC. Don't you love it? I do!
I adore this bag - a reusable shopping tote from Trader Joe's. I've always wanted to visit a Trader Joe's, but there have never been anywhere that I have ever visited. (It might help if I ever left my 300 mile comfort zone). I love grocery stores, it runs in my family. So, this is a great gift and a way cool bag! Thank you so much Ali!
I also participated in A Very Vintage Fourth-of-July Swap at Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly. My partner was Allison at Sew Many Girls. She has five daughters and I have no idea how she managed to put together so many fabulous hand made items.

First, she sent a Sunflower tin because she read that I am from Kansas, and that is the land of Sunflowers. Inside the tin, appropriately so, she put two packages of Sunflower Seeds. Not only was that clever, but it meant she read waaaaaaay back in my blog to read that I am a Sunflower Seed addict!

Look how talented Allison is! The pinwheels are sewn and have rustic stick handles, the coasters are awesome and let's talk about that Raggedy Annie Doll. OH MY GOODNESS. She is adorable! I already had that little stick chair and she fit in it perfectly.

Look at her! Seriously cute! I had seen a doll on her blog that she had made and thought it was so sweet, so to get my own was quite a treat!

The pinwheels with jingly bell centers - aren't they a great idea?
I spend a lot of time reading blogs, surfing ebay and looking at things on Etsy. But, I never buy anything, because I truly do not need anything else. But, sometimes you see something that you just want, right? My items of lust recently has been a string of fabric pennants to put above the bay window in the living room. I love the pennants that everyone is making (except me since I am so not a sewing kind of gal) and really, really, really want some!
So, what did Allison send me even though she had absolutely no idea that I was wanting some? My very own pennants. And, they fit above the bay window like they were custom made for me! I love them so much! Thank you Allison!
So, thank you Alison and Allison! (Yes, I swapped with Alison with one "L" and Allison with two "LL"'s and that was very confusing!) I had such great partners!


  1. I so wanted to do one of the 4th swaps, but am being good! Love all the goodies you got!

  2. I'm glad your feeling better and getting around. You got some really nice swap goodies. I love the doll. She's beautiful.

    Take Care,

  3. Great swaps! You would love Trader Joe's. Come visit me in NY and I'll take you, LOL. (We can go to the Elephant's Trunk Flea, too.)

    Glad you are feeling better!

  4. I love that Freedom photo artwork! How neat. And the pinwheels with the jingle bells are just too cute!

    (PS--I've always wanted to go to TJs too; can't believe we don't have one around here.)

  5. Glad you are doing better and getting up and about. Trader Joe's is an awesome store...I have two super close to my house and hit them pretty regularly). Loots like you are all decked out for the fourth with your patriotic swaps!


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