
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh, Goodness

Today I received a sweet email from the Goodness Girls over at Sweet Goodness Swaps today asking me to be a part of their swapping family. And I happily accepted. I will help brainstorm new swap ideas and themes along with Rebecca, Jodi/Lucy/Juicy, Heidi and Leigh Ann (who has a private blog) and help organize the swaps. I love doing swaps - I love learning about each new person and trying to make them a box of goodies that they will like - tailored to their tastes. I recently did a swap with someone who liked 80's wrestling and sci-fi horror movies which is so not me. But, I went out of my realm and found and created things I thought my partner would like that weren't necessarily things that I liked.

I ended up making a 1960's inspired wastebasket complete with vintage black fur trim. I decoupaged mini sci-fi movie posters all over it that I had printed from the Internet. I think it turned out pretty good considering it was a new to me craft in a subject that I know little about. But, it helped me realize that I can use this idea for endless things in endless themes.

If you've never been involved in a swap, they can be a lot of fun. It's like Christmas or your birthday when a box arrives on your doorstep. You can't wait to dig in and see your "Stuff". Some swap boxes are so divine that you cannot believe someone took the time, money and thoughtfulness to select these items especially for you. Then, there are the swaps that you say, "Eh" and they are not so much. Luckily, I have had many, many more of the former than the latter.

I think there are still a few spots open in the Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue Swap-(I'm still learning).

So, if you want to participate - head on over to Sweet Goodness Swaps and sign up!

You'll be glad you did! And, thanks again, ladies!

*I'll be back tomorrow with a story of attempted murder, a machete, the sherriff, an ambulance and my HERO stepfather that provided medical treatment and saved a guy's life. In my parents very own yard. On Tuesday. It was quite a day!


  1. Hey Shara,

    I just read that news story on the crazy!

  2. Swaps are alot of fun. I'm moving into a camp trailer for most of the Summer so am not going to be swaping until I get a house to live in.

  3. We're so happy to have you join us!! :) I'll be in touch this weekend with updates on the current swap :)

  4. CONGRATS! Thats awesome! I'll have to participate in one of yall's swaps one day.


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