
Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Spy With My Little Eye

Here's a sampling of what I saw this weekend:
An old ghost sign for Simplicity Patterns 40¢-60¢. I love these old signs - I prefer them all chippy and faded and not refurbished.

A sign for Collecitles! Which the Bean reasoned rhymed with Testicles. Collecitles!

I love Cotton Candy and Caramel Apple stands. I don't eat the stuff - I just like the graphics of the little trailers. Back behind there was a Pork Rind Stand. The man was passing out samples to passersby. When I walked past, he offered me a Pork rind. I declined saying, "No thank you, I don't eat meat." He looked at me the longest time like I was a complete whack job and then he said, "It ain't meat, it's skin!" *Hurl* Did it ever oink? Then it's meat. *Hurl*
A ghost sign for Ben Franklin. I loved Ben Franklin when I was a kid. I think that's where I get my love of old packaging, graphics and especially Christmas packaging.

"S" is for "Shara". We went to a craft fair and I saw a lady selling black and white photographs of each letter of the alphabet for $5.00 EACH. She had taken photos of each letter on old signs, or in nature, etc. You could pick out the letters of your choice to spell whatever you wanted. S+H+A+R+A=$25.00. I loved the idea of it, but S+H+A+R+A=2 cheap to spend $25.00 for something she can do herself! So, photographing letters is my new thing!
Another "S". "S" is for "Stacks". I have this huge long soffit above my living room window that is empty. I cannot have empty wall space! I want to do the complete Alphabet in mix and match frames across it. I can't wait to get it completed!
Two Gals Junk on Broadway Shop. They had cool stuff in the windows, but their idea of JUNK and my idea of JUNK was different. And their JUNK was $$$!

A Candy Store! This candy store had bins of candy and shelves of candy on the walls. The Salt Water Taffy was 8/$1.00 and there were neato flavors like Buttered Popcorn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Caramel Apple, Cinnamon Roll and lots of others. They even had penny candy! For a penny! Tax was a nickle. Ba-dum-dum! Ha ha.

This was a neat tree, with interesting green growth and cool textured bark. But the really interesting thing about this was the lady sitting in her daughter's stroller! I have never seen an adult sitting in a stroller! Holding the kid, no less!
Junk art. This was cool - lots of miscellaneous old junk attached to a canvas with paint and grime streaked and dripped all over it. It was interesting to see what all you could identify. What do you see? This was in an art gallery and I snuck the photo. Not sure if photography was allowed...
So, what did you see this weekend?


  1. cool pics, love the letter idea!

  2. I had not known the term "ghost sign" before.

    I also love the letter idea. 26 little frames (maybe those cheapo ones from Ikea that you can paint yourself)? Would be great for a kids' room.

  3. I would have used the Pork Rind incident to quote from one of my favorite movies (Pulp Fiction) and told the man "I don't dig on swine", so feel free to use that quote next time :)

  4. I remember my mom telling me she met a woman once who said that their goal for each vacation was to find all of the letters of the alphabet. I thought that was such a fun idea! It would really get you looking at things in a different way.

  5. Shara - check out this site!!


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