
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Word Verification

This was the Word Verification I got while trying to comment on a blog earlier tonight.
It just seems wrong.....


  1. LOL I have had some that were funny but not this funny! I took my word verification off my blog. I thought I would see how it goes. If I get some strange messages then I'll put it back on. I just having to do that step when I leave a message. Some blogs have a hard to read one on there and if I have to try to many times I give up and forget about leaving the message.


  2. that was funny! What are the chances?

  3. You know I blogroll all my peeps. I clicked on the title to your blog instead of the heading so I could leave a comment, but it was "flucked" up, so now I am here ON your blog leaving a non-flucked up comment.

  4. Hi Shara,
    I linked over from Vintage Rescue Squad. Your blog is flucking great! Looks like we collect some of the same goodies. Love how you highlight your collections on your sidebar. Stop by my blog for a visit sometime. Thanks!
    Pam ~ One Gal's Trash

  5. Ha! That's what I was thinking when I was stuck in traffic for an hour this morning. Well, that word minus a letter. LOL I was so mad!


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