
Monday, March 30, 2009

Memory Lane

I finally got a working scanner in my house. I am so excited! I had a printer with a scanner, but it quit working. so, I bought a new one and it never worked. Apparently, it was my old antique computer. So, now that I have entered the new Millennium (in 2009), I have a new computer, fancy flat monitor and a scanner. Whoopie!

So, I have been entertaining myself (instead of doing chores and putting up the scads of wonderful Estate Sale finds I bought this weekend. *That is a teaser until the next post.) by scanning in a bunch of old photos.

For your viewing pleasure:

Me on Santa's lap. I was about six years old. I find it interesting that Santa looks like a kid now. Check out the crocheted poncho my Mom made me!
Here I am on my Mom's lap with my Grandmother to the right and my Great Grandmother to the left. Four generations. My Great Grandmother was a cool lady. She always dressed head to toe in one color including high heels. She had dressers ( I repeat entire dressers0 devoted to her costume jewelry collection. She had bracelets, brooches and earring of every style and color. About ten years ago, family members sacked it up in brown lunch bags and sold it by the bag at a yard sale. For $1.00 a bag. I still weep over that. Behind us are scads of old teacher's editions of textbooks. That is where I get my love of old books.

Okay, on to The Bean. I always wished that blogging would have been "in" when he was little. He did so many cute funny things. I took sooooo many cute funny pictures. Here are some of my favorites.


I'm pretty sure there might have been some diaper fillin' going on here. This was about the time we dubbed him "Chubba Bubba".
This is at The Breadman's Grandmother's house. Love that old tractor. The Bean on JUNK!

This was in his car seat in the car. This is still one of my very favorite pictures.
The Bean has always gone thrifting with me. At a sale one day, he spotted this hat and plopped it on his head. And he wore it until it quite literally fell apart. You can see in this photo that it was on it's last leg. We kept his Little Tikes truck in the living room and he "drove" it all the time.
His Kindergarten picture. His teacher said, "Wow. That's some shirt!" He had picked it out himself. When he fake smiled, his eyes would disappear. So, I told him that when it was picture taking time, to pretend like he saw me coming to get him. And, this what we got. And, this is how he always smiled at me when I picked him up at the end of the day. God, I love that kid!

Thanks for going down Memory Lane with me. I'll be back tomorrow with a ton of photos and stories about an estate Sale that I went to twice this weekend. I spent a TON and I got a TON of super cool great stuff.


  1. TOO COOL... my grandma made me the same crochet poncho - oh we were style Diva's... eh?!!

  2. The Bean is SUCH a cutie pie! I can see how you'd just want to squeeze on him all day, with those cute cheeks and that happy smile! I can definitely see the family resemblance between him, you, and your mom.

  3. Love your mom's hairdo! What a stylish family.


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