
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday Thrift Therapy

This morning I got up and got dressed, ready to attack the Super Cheap Thrift alone. I am never alone. The Bean is always with me. I love The Bean more than words can say, but sometimes, I just want to prowl the thrift without worrying where anyone is or what they are doing or if they are bored or ready to go. The Breadman was off today since it is a holiday week and his schedule is all screwed up. A perfect day for a little male bonding while Mom went thrifting. So, I got up and was thisclose to walking out the door, when two pouty faced boys said, "Why can't we go too?" Crap. So, I gave them fifteen minutes to get ready top to bottom, teeth and hair included or I was leaving. It was 10:30 and the thrift closes at noon, so I really did only have about fifteen minutes to spare. They hurried around and we left about 20 minutes later. That extra five minutes was me turning off the lights and doing things that I wouldn't have had to do if I was leaving alone. Like I wanted to do in the first place!

I thought the Christmas items would still be out and be half price, but it was all gone. I figured they might still be getting some donations and trying to clear it out. (Little did they know I left three big boxes of Christmas Decorations on the back stoop before I went it to prowl.) Someone (Lowe's, I think) had donated a large amount of new lamps and lampshades that were where the Christmas had been last time. The lamps were priced $15.00-$25.00. The retail price was $80.00 to $100.00, but I just couldn't get over the sticker shock of $20.00 at The Super Cheap Thrift!

The pickings were thin, but I managed to find a few goodies.

This vintage cookie jar was only $1.50. It is in perfect condition, which is rare for an older cookie jar. It is marked JAPAN on the bottom. It will be sold, it will be sold......(I don't want it, I just have to actually get the darn thing listed!)
This fun set of Salt Pepper Shakers was 45¢ x 2. They mark everything individually, but at least it's still affordable. I love "I Love Lucy", but not sure if this is a keeper a seller or a gift.

This little 45¢ FireKing berry bowl was the only one on the shelf. The Bean has requested a set of these lustry orange dishes for his first house. How many kids do you know that want vintage FireKing dishes when they "grow up?"
I wish there would have been at least four of these dishes. I love the bumpy surface. The Bean likes LOUD orange, so I am happy that he likes this pretty orange too.

I found this old quilt for $3.00 and decided to buy it without unfolding it or really checking it out. It is a twin size, machine sewn and hand tied. It isn't anything overly special, but it is really heavy and well made. Just perfect for throwing on a bed when the temperature is 65 degrees (right now, 10:00 pm) and will be 20 degrees in the morning.
A lady behind me in line admired the quilt. She said it didn't really matter to her what a quilt looked like, because getting under one was just like getting a hug from Grandma. I don't have the quilting type of Grandma, but I still understood what she meant.
We went to Target and Hobby Lobby today to see what is happening with the Christmas markdowns. Target was 75% off. We mainly perused the aisles looking for unmarked items that were scanning at 75% off. We found plastic cutlery, candles, cleaning products and Kleenex all on the regular shelves, but scanning at a discount. I didn't buy any of it today. I will go back when it is 90% and if it is still there, so be it. Otherwise, it wasn't meant to be for me. I never hide things or do anything dirty like some people - I just leave it where it is and if it's still there late, it's mine. Sometimes, I move things around and find things that other people have hidden waiting for it to go to 90% off. I think that is sooooo wrong. So, either I buy it or I move it. I just don't think it is right to screw a store out of more money by hiding things.
I did buy a variety of all things minty in the candy aisle. We love minty things around here, so why not buy it for 62¢ a package, freeze it and enjoy it all year long than buy it for full price throughout the year? We finally tried those fancy schmancy new M&M's that cost nearly $5.00 a box. Oh, My. Yummy! But, I would never spend $5.00 for M&M's!
Hobby Lobby was 66% off today. I am no mathematician, but I can figure 50% off, 75% off and 90% off to the penny. But 66% off absolutely mystifies me. I was trying to figure it out when another lady said, "I figure it's just half price with a bonus." Works for me! I did buy a few things that are red and white that I can use for Valentine's crafting and for some Valentine's Swaps. I also bought some items to make a Christmas craft that I saw on a blog this year. If I don't make it now, I will forget! So, it will be a real surprise next year when I uncork it out of it's tub!
My best find at Hobby Lobby were the acid free archival photo boxes for only $1.20 or so. They are usually nearly $10.00 each, but the Christmas printed ones were only $3.99 before discount. I bought four, then as I was loading them into the car, I realized what a good deal they were, so I went back in and bought eight more. I have shelves above the washer and dryer that I am in the process of organizing. I don't care if the boxes look Christmas-y, no one will ever see them but me. They will hold cancelled checks, bills, receipts, photos, negatives (remember negatives?), emergency candles, swappy items, gifts in progress, birthday decorations, gift bags, bows and ribbons and lots of other miscellaneous items. Time to break out the label maker!
I'll be back tomorrow for my "Year in Thrift" post. I know, I know, how exciting. ;o)


  1. Fabbo quilt! And 66% off is easy--that's two-thirds of the price. Divide the price by three and that's what you pay.

  2. I have spent so much at Hobby Lobby and Michael's this What's funny is that most of their stuff was 50% off the whole season...weird!

    Have a wonderful New Year's!



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