
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Things for which I am thankful:
I am thankful that I have a house that I own and no one can take it away from me. (Although if someone ordered me to declutter, that might be a good thing).

I am thankful that DH has a job and can provide for our family. Even if it does man that he can barely hold his head up after a fifteen hour day of selling Brown and Serve Rolls.

I am thankful that The Bean is a happy healthy thriving young man. Even though someone told DH today that he should be in "real school". Pbthhhhhhh....

I am thankful that I am able to talk to my Mom two, three, seven times a day (at no long distance cost) about such important matters as Dancing With The Stars Results, Beyonce's jiggly thighs* and how our respective husbands can be dolts.

I am thankful that I am spending Thanksgiving Day with my Dad at the house where I grew up (even though my old room is now a poker room with a full bar).

I am thankful for the blog friends that I have made. I don't have many real life friends, so having my blog friends means an awful lot to me.

I am thankful for my three goofy cats, all of which seem to be healthy, active (sort of) and pretty darn funny.
I am thankful to be able to sleep in on Friday and not brave the Black Friday crowds. I am thankful that I am able to bargain hunt all year long so that some Black Friday prices can seem high to me.

I am thankful that I can pack up the turkeys and break out the glittery vintage Christmas stuff on Friday. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Have a wonderful safe Thanksgiving!
*I have jiggly thighs too, but I don't prance around at the Music awards in a bodysuit doing the shimmy shimmy shake. (I do like that song, though!)


  1. Shara, dear, I'm thankful for you. :) My life is richer because I know you!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  2. Oh my friend, you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You are a blessing to us all! Hugs to you...

  3. what a lovely list of things to be thankful for,shara. sometimes we get so wrapped up in all the STUFF, we forget how much we do have to be thankful for. thanks for the reminder...happy thanksgiving *elain*

  4. BEAUTIFUL post!
    Hope you had a wonderful day!!


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