
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thursday's Thrifty Finds

Thursday yard sales are my favorite. Usually if someone is having a Thursday sale, they are having it for three days. Which should, and I stress should, mean they have a ton of stuff. Sometimes this is true, sometimes this is not true. When I read the Star Shopper yesterday, I noticed three Thursday sales in my town. (Have I ever mentioned that is exactly 1.3 miles from one city limit sign to the other?) One sale was at a house around the corner where an older couple lives. I go to their sales twice a year and always find a treasure. So, The Bean and I headed out about 10:00 (after some schoolwork) to see if any treausres lie in wait.

Oh wait, I forgot I had these photos from yesterday. Before our ghost trip, I made a quick dash into one thrift to see if they had put out any Halloween yet.

No Halloween, but I did find this musical revolving "Happy Birthday" cake stand. Sort of kitsch, but I think it will be fun with one of my giant cupcakes on it. It was $1.50.

I also got this sweet vintage puppy planter for 50¢. I just love the heft of old pottery.

Okay, back to today's sales. I spent 45¢ at one sale. Sad, eh? I bought a miniature glass oil lamp in the shape of a shoe for 25¢. I tried and tried to take a photo of it, but it is clear glass and just did not show up at all.

I also bought these slightly cute, but actually more scary rubber face Santa heads for 10¢ each.

We went to two other sales. One was disappointing because it was in an older neighborhood and the sign was written in shaky old handwriting, so I thought it might mean vintgae treasure heaven. But, it was baby stuff. Ack. Avoid. Avoid. The other sale netted only an M&M dispenser for The Bean's collection. This is a double dispenser with both Plain and Peanut on it - we had seen one at the Salvation Army for $5.00 last week, but this one was only $1.00. Score one for The Bean!

The rest of my treasures came from the sale at the older couple's house. When we arrived at their house, I was saddened to see a "For Sale" sign in their yard. They informed me they are moving to Senior Housing and that makes me sad for them. They say they just can't handle the upkeep of thier home anymore. I hope they are happy, they are nice people.

I was digging in the boxes of tools and I spotted this neat old sprinkler with it's original paper tag for only 50¢. The red thing is the sprinkler head, but it looks like a flower.
Another old wooden ruler. This one was $2.00. The best part about this one is that I walked right past it and didn't see it. The Bean picked it up and brought it to me. "Here's one of those rulers you like, Mom." GOD BLESS THAT BOY.

I hemmed and hawed over this last purchase for quite awhile. It was only $3.00, but sometimes $3.00 seems like a lot and I have to do some thnking and soul searching before I buy it. Sometimes I buy it, sometimes I don't. This is a vintage tablecloth, but not my usual type of tablecloth.

This is a quilted tablecloth. It's quite large as you can see I had to spread it out in the driveway to get a picture of it. I know it loks like a yo-yo quilt, but it's not.
Each one of those patchwork shapes is large - about 3" across. It is machine sewn and a mixture of both old and new fabrics. By old, I mean 1940's floursacks and by new I mean 1970's polyester. So, even the "new" is actually "old".

The entire back is made of a printed redwork design of little girls. It's not embroidered, just printed. But, it could be used quit side up or redwork side up for different uses. I think this is a tablecloth I would feel comfortable taking on a picnic to throw on a table or on the ground and not wory about staining it or ruining it. I like it, I gues that's all that matters. And, if I knew I was only going to spend $1.45 total at the other three sales I went - I would not have thought so long about this purchase!


  1. I love the old wooden ruler and your quilted tablecloth...great finds indeed!

  2. Ooooo, I love that ruler!!! Great find Bean!

    I do love the tablecloth too..very vintage looking!


  3. Okay, I can't believe you hesitated at all on that tablecloth. It is wonderful! No, seriously, I understand. Sometimes $3 does seem like a lot of money.

  4. funny that you got another ruler:) I like the table cloth, it is cute:)

  5. I entirely love that tablecloth - I have a penchant for all things quilted regardless, but that particularly slays me for some reason.
    I've been following for awhile but haven't commented before. When I'm at home (from college) I thrift constantly, but here I have to satisfy myself with enjoying your finds by proxy :)


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