
Monday, September 29, 2008

Opening (and Closing) of Junk Shop

I've been adding things to my shop, getting ready to open it up. I wanted it chock full of goodies to make it worthwhile. After I added my 5th item, it said, NO MORE! I can only have five items at once (for free, of course), then it is from $50.00-$250.00 a year for the shop. So, I will have to find another site to use or just make up my own. Until, then, please take a look at my shop - because it is so dadgum cute!
If you do see anything you want, (and I don't plan on selling anything with only five items up for sale), just email me at monkeybox at juno dot com instead of adding it to the cart.
I'm so sad! Love those fat little monkey dudes!


  1. TOO BAD... the shop looked GREAT - keep us posted at your new local!

  2. The link says that the site doesn't exist!

  3. Have you thought about using Etsy? I think you can list vintage things on there, right? It might be worth looking into!

    Sorry your other shop didn't work out!



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