
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tea and Toast

Given my stomach and fever issues this past week, I found it only appropriate that my thrifty finds on Friday would be representative of my main nourishment this week - Tea and Toast.

Coffee cups are 10/$1.00 at one of the thrifts. Lots of advertising/freebie cups, not usually anything stellar. But, I always look for Fire-King, Pyrex, Starbucks and stacking cups, just in case. Yesterday proved to be Stacking Cup Heaven.

There are many shelves of coffee cups, five deep on each shelf and stacked up all helter skelter, so you have to be careful moving and rearranging each cup. But, you can find some goodies.
I just kept finding more and more. Love all the orange and yellow colors. So 1960's!
Whoa. Avocado Green. Welcome to 1972. I can only imagine these all have been in someone's cupboard together all these years until they arrived at the thrift store, were priced individually and placed on the shelf. But, then I showed up and only I could think cups have emotional feelings, so I rescued them all. Together again. I am such a thrifting nerd.
These don't stack, but I think they are my favorite. They are marked JAPAN on the bottom and are from the same era. I bet there was a yellow one at one time to make a set of four. Some damn husband probably dropped it and shattered it to smithereens years ago.

I found some tacky 1980's Mallard Duck coasters stuck in this perfectly sweet Toast Rack. The coasters were marked "Set of 8" but counting the coasters and the rack, that made nine, so I took a chance and attempted to buy the rack alone. They ended up charging me 50¢ for it. Score.
So, as you can see*, I am prepared for the next bout of fever and sickness at my house.
*Every paper The Bean has brought home from school in the past five years has concluded with, "As you can see..." I am trying to teach him some creativity in his writing and not use the same closing line that the school required.
I'm off to do a little junking and enjoy the beautiful day outside. We have a couple big workdays ahead of us starting tomorrow. We wanted to have some of the colored trim on the front of our house removed and changed to white to update the look of it. Upon further inspection, under the siding, we have water damage to the wood and it all needs to be replaced on the front and back of the house to the tune of several, several thousand dollars. Oh, the fun never stops around here, does it? But, that's okay. Work begins on Tuesday. Stay tuned for photos of my porch jacked up to prevent it from caving in and a big old blue tarp covering the door and window. Oh, we will be the envy of the neighborhood! I have to move all my garden junk, plants and landscaping things to make room for the contractor.
Have a safe and fun labor Day Weekend!


  1. I have a theory that certain things breed in our houses, like stuffed toys (put two in a toybox, and next time you look there are 5) and especially mugs. Put a couple of those babies in a cupboard together and watch out! No telling what will happen in your cupboard, with all that breeding stock...

  2. I love those orange and blue daisy ones that are stacked together. So cute! Sometimes I wonder why companies still bother making mugs with their logos. No one wants them, heck, half the time the employee doesnt either!

  3. Love all the daisy mugs! The toast rack is cute too. We have a porcelain one somewhere around here. :)

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Boy, you sure are hilarious! I just
    found your blog and I have been
    having a good laugh. I love the
    remark about Sams, buying a bag
    of croutons the size of a pillow.

  5. Those are some super cute cups!! You have received an award from me! Please visit my blog to pick it up!



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