
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thrifty Thursday

It's a hot one out there. 98 degrees today. We have been spared this summer from many days out of the high 80's. But, this week, the heat is ON, baby. The Bean and I ventured out this morning, but got home before noon to aviod the heat. Thank goodness for that new A/C unit in the yard pumping out the heat and making the house cool. Very cool. Coooooool.

The Bean and I went to school for the THIRD time this morning to get him enrolled for the Fall. But, no one was there. For the THIRD time. I get my courage all screwed up to do it, and then no one is there so we have to go through it all over AGAIN. Next week better be the charm!

So, what do you do when the school is locked up tight? You find some yard sales! We went to two yard sales and made a pit stop at the Super Cheap Thrift. There was lady hoarding the jewelry buckets and I never did get to dig in them. I know I missed treasures! I generally look in one bucket, put it back and then wrangle the next bucket for a dig. But, she had them both in her cart. It's okay to do that, I just wouldn't do it. (But I might next time!)

Would anyone care for some corn? I could have a corn-eating party with all these corn holders. We've never used corn holders at our house, but The Bean is less than neat when eating corn, so I think they might help him get a better grip on his ear - ear of corn, that is. I really like the red ones, they might even possibly be bakelite, but I haven't tested them yet. All these corn holders and the two corn troughs, if you will, were 75¢ total. The red and white tablerunner with a crocheted edge was from one of the yard sales.

This little 1963 booklet "Care of the Back" was in the free bin. Love that poor lady trying to lift the laundry basket with her poor aching back. I've been there! And, yes, another watermelon potholder for 25¢. The lady behind the counter was giving me advice for using my new potholder - "Don't set anything really hot on it in case it's acrylic, or it will melt." Thank you Ma'm, but I don't use them, I just collect them.

Here's a sweet aqua blue emboidered dish towel that was 50¢, along with the sweetest little pair of little girl's baby shoes with ribbon roses. I cannot think of one thing I need less than sweet baby girl shoes, but I had to grab them. Sweet little baby shoes. The teeny little 25¢ basket is old and is the smallest piece of Matte White Pottery I have ever found. I found that on my third walk through at the SCT. You always gotta take a second look.

I got this tablecloth at a yard sale full of old vintage things. None of it I really needed, so I left it all there. Her prices were good - old mirrors for $4.00-5.00, steamer trunks for $15.00 and the biggest old wooden spools I had ever seen for $2.00 each. I really meant to grab one of those spools, but I left without it. She had a wonderful old white chippy rocking chair that I loved, but I didn't have anywhere to put it. And, the worst part, it was only $7.00. Crap, I shoulda..... Back to the tablecloth, I got it, the red and white tablerunner and the baby shoes for a $1.00 at that yard sale. It's got stains, but I can get most of them out and the rest I can live with. I just love the feel and the colors of the old tablecloths. Stains don't bother me too much.

But this darn heat does!


  1. Maybe you should call the school district's main office and ask them when/where to go enroll. It might not be at the school itself, you might have to go to the office. I was wondering if you were going to continue to homeschool, since you didn't intend to last year.
    We're now getting the high 90 temps and will be over 100 for the next 4 or 5 days.

  2. Love that tablecloth, she is a beauty, but man those stains are going to take some work. LOL


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