
Friday, July 18, 2008

She's a Winner!

Winner Time. The Beanerator drew a lucky name out of the lucky hat and the lucky winner is the lucky Thrifty Miss Priss! Yea! Her perfect thrifting tri-fecta includes a vintage tablecloth, milkglass and anything aqua. Her wish shall be my command. If you haven't already gotten an email from me, please contact me T.M.P with your address so I can make you a goody box of treasures! Thanks to all that entered. I enjoyed seeing what everyone wishes to find when they are out thrifting.
I went to a bunch of sales today. Well, actually I drove past most of them, left empty handed at three and only found a few things at the rest. Pretty sad. But, we got out of the house and had some fun, so that's all that really matters. Although I could have stood to find a few more things.

Here are the bulk of my finds. The driftwood in the back was 25¢ - it is flat as a board and worn velvety smooth. I love pieces of nature. When it's standing up with the knothole and the hole, it reminds me of an eagles head. Not really sure why I bought the yard head dude. He was funny and only 25¢ - I think it might be some sort of voodoo doll or something. The knee hugger elf was 25¢ and will go with my evergrowing collection of kneehuggers. The little glass $1.00 chicken on a nest is very heavy and more modern and sleek than the older ones (which are always broken when I find them, I might add). The bunny was $1.50. Why did I pay $1.50 for another bunny?
Because he is a handpainted rock. Love it! It is so well done and feels like you are holding a tiny bunny in your hand. He's signed and I imagine he came from the War Eagle Craft Fair where things like that cost $$$.
This little radio had a retro vibe to it and fits perfectly in my kitchen. I can now listen to MUSIC instead of hearing the Disney Channel blasting Hannie Montannie 24/7. Yea for me. It was 75¢ and works great - complete with AM/FM radio, alarm clock, snooze and all the beeps and whistles. I often wonder why people get rid of completely useful things like a perfectly good clock radio and why they only expect to get 75¢ for it. I am glad they do this, so I can reap the rewards. But, I really don't understand the logic.

After finding only these few things, I was tired of yard saling so we went to eat (Buy a large Sprite Get Free Chicken Nuggets at ChickfilA), stopped into ToysRus to do a little bargain scanning (more on that this weekend and some tips for you) and then headed home. As we were driving along, I felt the car just sort of veer onto the street where one of my thrifts is located. I was just there on Wednesday, but they are always putting out things, so you might just find a treasure. (And I did). Our favortie part about that thrift on Friday is the old grouchy man that mans the register. No matter when you come in, he grouchily grumbles, "We close in XX minutes!" One day he told me, "We close in an hour and a half." As if I spend an hour and a half in there! The ladies all laugh at him so we've learned to laugh at him too. Except he's serious. He wants to go home NOW!

Oh yes, that treasure I mentioned: An old metal cake carrier. So wonderful. I'm not a rose kinda gal, but I do like this one. I like the whole pink and black thing. It's the first one I've ever found, so I had to buy it. It was $5.00,which is sort of pricey for me, but I have bought plastic ones for more than that at retail stores. If I ever find one that is more my style, I can list this one. But, it really is sweet, don't you think?

Tomorrow there is an Estate Sale that touts that "everything is up for grabs" after the same family has lived in the house for 65 years. How they think they can sell everything off on Saturday only from 8-2 is beyond me. An Estate sale around here just means everything in the house is for sale including the food in the cupboards and the bathroom towels. We don't really have typical Estate sales where a company comes in and prices everything. Occassionally there is one of those and I like to go just to get into fancy houses. I went into the Mayors house not too long ago just to get a gander at it while they were having an Estate Sale. I couldn't have afforded a thing in the place, but I got a free tour Anyway, back to this sale, I really really REALLY want to go. It sounds like a diggers paradise. I usually head for the garage where the old stuff and junk is located - Christmas items, persoanl items like photos and papers, etc. I also like to look in the kitchen drawers and cupboards. It's a weird feeeling rifling through things, but that's how it's done. Maybe I'll find enough treasures to fulfill all your wishes! Tablecloths, wicker shelves, buttons, fabric, pottery, picnic baskets, egg beaters, dice, keys, sewing notions, canisters, train case, recipes, postcards, shiny brites, jewelry, aprons, tea cups, mirrors, baby shoes, steiff, teapots, sports pennants, spools and flower frogs for everyone! Whew!


  1. Oh YAY for me! I'm so happy to have won! I can't wait to see what you've selected for me! Thank you!

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I have an blog award for you .. please do come by and pick it up. Your blog is so enjoyable! Thank you! Diane

  3. It goes without saying that I love the cake carrier, right? LOL

  4. The cake carrier is great! And the chicken is cute :). We don't seem to have many estate sales here. You would think that living in the retirement state that we would!

  5. Hi! I'm so glad you found me! I just love NWA and especially Oops! I went today and got a lot of good stuff. I enjoyed looking through your blog! You find some great stuff!

  6. I also have a award for you, stop by to check it out

  7. if you ever decide to get rid of the rose cake carrier, i will buy it! As you know i am a rose LOVER especially since it is PINK! Cant wait to see how the estate sale went:)


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