
Monday, June 30, 2008

Thanks for all the kudos on my purchases at the Sale of Sales. I still have two boxes sitting in the living room and I just like to get it out and look at it all. I must look pretty silly looking at Tiddlywinks, Bing-O and dolls, but I don't care. I love looking at my treasures! I planned on going back Saturday morning and go for another dig, but I awoke to the worst Saturday morning sound in the whole wide world. Thunder and Rain. Sigh. No more treasures. It sort of cleared up mid-day, but still sprinkled some throughout the day. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to make a run to their corner to see if the sign was up, but it wasn't. Now I have a lingering hope that they might open this weekend since they lost a day last weekend. But, since they are from KS and it is a Holiday weekend, I doubt it. But, that certainly won't keep my from going to see if I can spot a sign!

On my way to check on the sale Saturday, I did find another sale, so I popped in to prowl. I spent $1.00 and got a vintage tablecloth with flowers on it (No photo, sorry Sarah). I thought that was pretty good to only hit one sale, only buy one thing and have it just happen to be a nice vintage tablecloth. Score.


Because no one (including me) likes a photo-less post - here is a photo of The Bean trying on his baby shoes. (I'm still trying to delete photos so I can set up my new computer that has been sitting un-opened in the box for two months. Can you believe that???)


And a note to any family members that read this blog - I regret to say that my family won't be at the big Richardson reunion this weekend. The Breadman couldn't get off work until Sunday as it just couldn't work out. I wanted to see everyone and I know I will miss a huge amount of fun. Sorry to miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I dont think the shoes fit....... hee hee


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