
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Bought a Can of White Paint

And then I went a little crazy.

First I painted the stool I bought last week that was a badly painted aluminum color.

Then I painted the carrier thingy that I scored on Clean Up Day on the curb. It was black and the criss-cross details didn't show too much.

Then I painted this old silver tray. Love the decorative edging.

And this old oval silver tray.

And this two tier tidbit tray that was a glaring bright Christmas-y green.

All of these items were rather ho-hum and not really me until I painted them white.

Now I love them all! I'm not sure what I will do with the trays. I was thinking of making a collage on them or using them as magnetic boards. Who knows. That's half the fun of Junkreating!


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Oh man, you weren't kidding, you did go crazy with the painting! Lol! Way to go - everything looks awesome. I love white, it makes everything look so nice. Maybe this'll motivate me to get out my paintbrush tomorrow.

  2. Love, love that first tray.

    I am the same way with paint, once I get started I start thinking I should just paint everything! LOL

  3. Ah the power of paint! You had a good time, didn't you! LOL!
    Love how everything turned out!



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