
Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Finds 5/16/08

Arriving home from our trip without any junk called for an all out junker this morning. I found a few goodies, but didn't bring home more than I could handle.

I am not a teddy bear collector, but I just cannot leave a Boyds Bear when I find one. I know this sweet little gal mst have cost at least $50.00 on QVC, so I snapped her up when I saw her $1.00 price tag. She is really sweet with her corduroy dress, tweed coat and matching hat. She's big too - about 15" tall sitting down.
This little cast iron iron and trivet was $1.00. It is small because that is a silver baby spoon next to it. The baby spoon is engraved "Ramona" on it. When I got to the thrift store, the lady asked me if I could read the engraving. I finally made out the "Ramona" on it and she went on and on about how old it was and how it was silver and how silver is worth a "fortune" these days and how special it was and yadda yada, then she priced it 50¢. ??? As you can imagine, I scooped it up. I have a shadow box with baby spoons mounted in it.

(That reminds me, I am hoping to stumble upon a set of Oneida Bonny children's Mickey and Minnie spoon/fork set at a sale someday. I have the Mickey, but I have lost my Minnie from when I was a kid. I don't know why, but I really want to replace it. So, if anyone ever sees one for cheap, keep me in mind and I will re-imburse you? Thanks!)

This is a fabulous handcarved, hand painted and signed Santa from the Ukraine. He is spectacular! He was only $1.00. If he's worth a mint, he'll be ebay bound. But, I do collect Santas, and I don't have one like this, so don't hold me to that comment!

This set of Paint By Number Kittens are from a Church Sale and were 25¢ each. I also got the three community cookbooksfor 10¢ each. That little blurry thing in the corner is some sort of frutti tooti purse/backpack bangle jangle thingamabob (Not the acutal name!) with charms on it -a clump of cherries, a heart and a four leaf clover. Thought I could repurpose it for crafting for only 10¢.

I found this great old metal table for $3.00. It had pink hightlighter on it, but with the help of my friends Mr. Clean and Mr. Clorox, it's good as old again. That spot on the second shelf is where the highlighter was - it's just wet in that photo.

Not sure why I had to buy this Panda Bear. He was only 10¢ and he spoke to me. "Take me home", he said. He's older - early 1970's and in pristine condition. He has leather eyes and a leather nose. I will ebay him if it's worth it, otherwise, our library uses stuffed animals for display so I will donate him there.

Whenever I head out to go thrifting I hope to to find Matte White Pottery and vintage tablecloths. And, when I find one, I am happy. But, when I find both. Yee-ha.

White Pottery found at the Salvation Army (which is a miracle within itself, as I never find anything OLD there!) for $2.00. I am not an especially religious person, but I liked this old white planter and it will fit well into my collection.
And, finally, the last stop of the day netted this lovely vintage tablecloth for $1.00. It's in very good condition and I was very happy to have found it. It's sort of any everyday tablecloth as most of mine are more seasonal or holiday themed.

Tomorrow we are going to a Tractor Pull. Going to a Tractor Pull can really make you feel young and beautiful as pretty much everyone is minus a tooth or two, spits tobacco (*the women too) and wears overalls. But, it is good old fashioned family fun, it is free and it is a laugh a minute. Hooo-Weee, we're gunna have Fun! You KNOW I'll take photos, right?


  1. You have some amazing finds. I think that the panda kinda reminds me of The Bean. It is something about his expression.
    I can't wait to see the pics from the pull. Hee Ha Yall.

  2. Oh geez, I miss the tractor pulls back in Wisconsin! We actually went to one where a man was killed, the tractor tipped over and he was pinned... very sad.
    Hey, enjoy!

  3. Oh I love the Mary! I have a small collection (um two) of Mary statues. :) Oh and I sold some paint by numbers on Ebay way back when. They sold for a pretty good price but the lady was very picky and I ended up having to give her a partial refund for something I didn't "disclose" about the pictures. At least she was nice about it. :)


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