
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Junking Up the New Fridge

In my continuing effort to use what I have and enjoy my junking purchases, I fashioned a bulletin board for the front of the fridge.

I took two pieces of Matte Board from The Dollar Tree and stapled them together. Then I covered it with a set of vintage fruit themed Curtains that I had picked up for 25¢ last summer. I added the red rick rack to cover up the ends of the curtains down the center. The curtains were two different lenghts, one had a stain and one had a hole. So, cutting them up was A-OK.
Add some cute photos and Wah-lah no more ugly magnets and pictures all over the fridge.

*A note about the photos. LEFT: That's my little cousin Luke with the cute grin, a antique black and white of DH (We are only two years apart, but all his photos are in black and white while mine were all in color), The Bean as a clown, The Bean and a Gorilla Statue at the Tulsa Zoo when he was three, A wee baby bunny Bean, Dead Cente: A Kindergarten Graduating Bean (Was he cute or what?), RIGHT: Baby me, The Bean, A Baby Bean and my Triplet Cousins. Can you imagine? Triplets? They are in school now, but I just adore that baby photo. I met them a few years ago. They are from Alabama and can turn a two syllable word into a full sentence. Too cute!

I'm off on a Junkin' trip. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This is the second set of those "curtains" I have seen, and you people are killing me! MUST HAVE CURTAINS LIKE THAT. I mean come on, they are tablecloth matching toweling! Please universe, hear my plea. LOLLOLOL


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